Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Friday, June 17, 2022

Friday, June 17, 2022


Friday, June 17, 2022:

Jesus said: “My people, there are two kinds of people in this world. My faithful center their lives around Me in My Blessed Sacrament. The rest of the people center their lives around the world, and their souls are truly dark. My people, without Me you are nothing. I have given each of you a soul and a body with free will. All of the worldly things and even your bodies here on earth are temporary, and they will become nothing. But your soul lives on forever because it is immortal. Your soul is your most important treasure, and your soul is drawn to Me, your Creator. So you need to guard your soul from the evil one, and keep it clean of sin with at least monthly Confession. I want all souls to love Me and follow the mission I have given them. You need to love Me and give praise to Me, as then you will clearly see your mission. Follow My Commandments of loving Me, loving all of your neighbors, and loving yourself as well. By keeping your focus on Me throughout your lives, I will call My faithful to the glory of your true home with Me in heaven. Continue to reach out with your prayers and good deeds to help save as many souls as you can. Then come and receive your heavenly reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who are more interested in making money for their new homes and new cars, than taking more interest in loving Me as the center of their lives. I told you this morning not to be so concerned with how much money you have, or other forms of wealth you have, because these things you are struggling for, are only temporary. They will soon decay and disappear. But your soul is eternal and immortal, and your soul means so much to Me because I will always love you. It is everyone’s decision in life where they want their eternal destination to be. You can choose to love Me and follow your mission which leads to heaven, or you can choose to worship the things of this world instead of worshiping Me, but this will lead to hell. Your family’s souls are important to Me also, as I love them as well. The devil and I are both fighting to win souls. This is why I call you to help save your family’s souls because you do not want to see them get lost in hell. You can try to evangelize them so they can be believers in Me, but you cannot force My Word on people because they have to choose Me of their own free will. So give good example to your family in showing your love for Me by coming to Sunday Mass, praying your daily prayers, and coming to monthly Confession. These are your basic spiritual necessities that you need to follow to show your love for Me. Call on My protection from the evil ones, and stay close to My Sacred Heart, especially this month.”

Source: ➥