Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Wednesday, July 13, 2022: (St. Henry)
Jesus said: “My people, you are in a struggle between the Green New Deal people and those people who favor using fossil fuels. You recently have seen a government breakdown in Sri Lanka because the people do not have fuel for their cars, and the farms are not producing food as they should with the old farming methods that worked. This country tried to implement the Green New Deal that has left them with little fuel and farms that cannot be maintained. Wind and solar energy cannot provide enough energy to run your economy. That is why this Green New Deal policy is a complete failure. Those countries who are foolish enough to pursue this Green policy as in America, will see failure as well. Biden is pursuing oil in countries who promote communism or terrorism, when he could produce your fuels in your own country. You may need to change your leadership, or you will see famine and no fuels. Famine will be gripping the world due to war and your failed policies in government which are trying to follow the Green New Deal. If you do not want to be in the food lines, then have some stocked up food as I have been telling you. You have irresponsible people running your country into a communist state. Be prepared to come to My refuges for food, water, and fuels which I will multiply.”
Jesus said: “My son, I have warned you before that the evil axis of powers is ready to send missiles to destroy your sin cities and your electric grid. This axis includes Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran where any one, or all of them could send missiles to defeat you. You will see several sin cities destroyed as I told you, and your country would be taken down to make way for the Antichrist’s reign. Before these missiles could kill people, I will bring My Warning to give people one last chance to repent of their sins and be converted to believe in Me. Those people, who believe in Me, will be protected at My refuges. After the six weeks of the Conversion time, I will call My believers to the safety of My refuges. My angels will make you invisible, and My angels will put a shield over My refuges that will protect My people from bombs, viruses, and even comets. Once you are safely in your refuges, then the evil ones will send their missiles to try and destroy your people. I will protect you from the Antichrist and his demons, and I will destroy all of the evil ones and cast them into hell. Then I will renew the earth, and I will bring My believers into My Era of Peace. Trust in Me that I will carry out My justice on all of the evil ones.”
Source: ➥