Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, December 9, 2022
Friday, December 9, 2022

Friday, December 9, 2022: (St. Juan Diego)
Jesus said: “My son, you have visited this shrine to My Blessed Mother in Mexico City, Mexico. There is a beautiful church with the original image on the tilma of Juan Diego that you can see behind the glass covering. You went up Tepeyac Hill to see the actual place where My Blessed Mother gave Juan Diego this gift. The shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe is for all the Americas. It was a gift from heaven to stop the Indians from sacrificing their babies to their gods. Today this image is to support the Right to Life cause of stopping abortions in America. The Indians were converted from killing their babies, and your people in America need to be converted from having abortions. I have warned your people that your abortions are bringing punishments against you for all of the killing of My little ones. Keep praying to stop your abortions and have respect for all life.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard about some money people who want to change the money system over to a digital dollar. This was first headed for the start in December, but now it is being pushed off back until July, 2023. The Masons and the bankers wanted time for 12 weeks of experimenting how this digital dollar would be conducted. There will be restrictions on this new money that will allow the one world people to cancel your account if you do not go along with their takeover plans. This is part of the Great Reset to give power over the people to the Antichrist. These one world people want total control over the digital dollar. They also want to force the mark of the beast on everyone so they can control buying your groceries, how much fuel you can have, and control of your traveling. I told My people not to take any chip in the body because they could control your mind. Without any ability to buy things, your best choice is to come to My refuges of angel protection. You will need to trust in Me for your food and your protection. Once the Antichrist declares himself, he will try to control everyone’s lives. Come to Me for your needs at My refuges.”
Source: ➥