Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Thursday, April 27, 2023

Thursday, April 27, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I mentioned in previous messages how I sent out My apostles to evangelize the people with My Good News about My Resurrection. In the first reading you read how the Holy Spirit led St. Philip to catch up with the Ethiopian eunuch, who was the treasurer for the Queen of Ethiopia. The eunuch was reading about Me in Isaiah. So St. Philip was invited to explain the Scripture about My dying for the people. When they saw some water, the eunuch asked St. Philip to baptize him into the faith. After the Baptism of the eunuch, the Holy Spirit took St. Philip away from the eunuch’s sight. My son, I told you how you and your wife would be traveling by bi-location to visit and support other refuges during the tribulation. Now, you see that you will be moved about by the Holy Spirit, just as St. Philip was taken away from the Ethiopian eunuch.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said:: “My son, you were happy to be with Fr. Michel at Juliet’s Gospa prayer house in California. Fr. Michel gave a three day retreat that you could share with your prayer group. He also mentioned that this would probably be his last visit to California. He talked about the Antichrist and spoke about a book called ‘Revelations’ which was a summary of several apparition sites. You had a sense that the restrictions on the border would persist with forced Covid shots.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing various candidates running for President both among the Democrats and the Republicans. This will mean some possible primary debates. Pray that this coming 2024 election will not be so controlled by money from big donors. Once you can control the vote by using illegal and cheating ballots, then you have lost your democracy.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are hearing less stories about some banks failing, or being bailed out by the taxpayer. The bank failure problem has not been fully resolved, but the media people are keeping this problem subdued from the headlines. I have warned you in the past to be watching for any bank holiday, because this may be the means for introducing the digital dollar to replace your paper dollars. If your money is cancelled in your account, you may have to come to My refuges for your physical and spiritual needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, the new digital dollar will be your first attack on your people through the new money. You will also see another pandemic virus that will be launched with more shutdowns. Refuse to take any vaccines, and use your ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and MMS (chlorine dioxide) that can kill viruses. Also have some antibiotics, essential oils, and Good Friday oil for your healing. If you see bodies on the ground, then come to My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the Republicans passing an increase in your National Debt Limit with restrictions on future spending. If there is not an agreement passed, you could see a threat of your currency being reduced in value, if you do not pay your debts.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you before that the evil ones are running out of time, and they will be pushing their world takeover faster in preparation for the Antichrist to take control over the world. This means you will see more persecution of Christians. The evil ones will use their money and the media to control your freedoms in your communications. This is why various TV commentators are being removed to control what you hear. Expect more attacks on your website and your Zoom conference. Be ready to come to My refuges when I will call you. The Antichrist is about to declare himself.”
Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones want to bring another pandemic virus so the World Health Organization can supercede your government control with more shut downs and mandates. You will also have to deal with a new digital dollar and a forced mark of the beast. The Church will also be threatened by Masons controlling the New Mass without the proper words of the Consecration. Be ready to come to My refuges when you see these events takeover the earth. Have no fear because I will protect you at My refuges with My angels.”
Source: ➥