Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, May 4, 2023
Thursday, May 4, 2023

Thursday, May 4, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, as you read the Acts of the Apostles, you can see My plan of salvation for all of mankind, and not just the people of Israel. St. Paul is teaching the Jews, but he is also preaching to the Gentiles. I performed many miracles for My people to protect them. Through Moses I allowed the plagues on Egypt until the Pharaoh finally released My people from many years of bondage. Then I allowed Moses to split the Red Sea to let My people cross on dry ground. Finally, I closed the sea that drowned Pharaoh’s army. I performed more miracles so I could give the land of milk and honey over to My people. They had judges and kings to rule over them. From King David’s descendants I gave them St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother, who brought Me into the world by the Holy Spirit. I became a God-man so I could offer My life up for all the sins of mankind. I AM the Savior of all peoples who will accept Me. Rejoice in My plan of salvation and be ready for My return as well. You must suffer the tribulation of the Antichrist, but My victory will dash the evil ones into hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Just as I performed miracles for the faith of My apostles, so I will perform more miracles to protect My people at My refuges from Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you are blessed to have two Baptisms of Aiden and Emma who are beautiful children. You are also fortunate to have two great grandchildren who are now members of the faith in your family. There are other mothers who are killing their babies with abortion, and these children are baptized in their blood as little martyrs. Some couples would gladly bring up a baby than see a baby killed by abortion. It is your death culture that promotes abortion, and those people, who are involved in promoting abortion, will pay dearly at their judgment. Pray for the mothers who had an abortion, and pray for the pregnant women to have their children. Life is too precious to discard like some mothers are doing. Continue to pray to stop abortion at the Planned Parenthood clinics.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am always happy when couples make a commitment to each other by getting married. You have many couples who are living together in sin, instead of getting married. Fornication, adultery, and prostitution are mortal sins against My sixth Commandment, and they require Confession to be forgiven. You also need to avoid birth control that uses means to prevent conception, including sterilizations. Life is precious to Me, and these sins of abortion and birth control are interfering with a proper means of having children. Pray that people, who commit sexual sins, can come to Confession to have their sins forgiven.”
Jesus said: “My people, these blood moons occur at least yearly, but they can also be omens of some significant events. You just saw a Satanic event that celebrated a worship of Satan. Pray that the souls involved could be saved with your prayers. The evil ones are getting more open about worshiping Satan. Pray for My protection from any evil coming from such events.”
Jesus said: “My people, the banks who have low interest Treasury notes are trapped by the Federal Reserve’s higher interest rates. Their cash flow is in danger as depositors are removing their money from such banks. If too many banks collapse from such losses, you could see a crash of your banking system, and depositors could lose their money. Pray also that your National Debt Limit can be raised, or you will be in foreclosure for unpaid debts.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you about the coming Great Reset which the digital dollar will be a means for the evil ones to take over your money. If your people do not take this to your Supreme Court over Biden’s Executive Order, the evil one world people will control you like the communist countries. This is why I warned My people to stock up on your food, because you may not be able to buy food if your digital dollar account is cancelled. As your freedoms and your money may be stolen, you will need to come to the safety of My refuges for your survival.”
Jesus said: “My people, your available housing is getting more expensive in price, and the cost of your loans are also getting higher because of increased mortgage rates. With bank failures there is going to be even less money available for mortgages to buy homes. As inflation increases, it will also become harder to pay your increased taxes and your mortgage payments. You just received another increase in your house assessment. Pray that people will be able to keep their homes and be able to find affordable housing.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing a steady amount of rainy days that are causing floods in some areas. Too much rain can also cause problems for your farmers. If they have wet land, that makes it difficult to plant their crops. You can see more unusual weather as there are some people who are using the HAARP machine and cloud seeding that can cause floods or droughts in various areas. Your farmers need just the right amount of rain to have successful crops. Too much rain can rot the crops, and too little rain can dry the crops so they do not produce food. Pray for your farmers that they can have a successful growing season.”
Source: ➥