Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, August 5, 2023
Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ of July 26 to August 1, 2023

Wednesday, July 26, 2023: (St. Joachim and St. Anne)
Jesus said: “My people, when Moses led the Israelites out of bondage from Egypt, they had to get used to My miracles to provide them manna, quail, and water in the desert. These people did complain about the manna, and I sent seraph serpents that bit and killed some of the people. Moses later raised up a bronze serpent on a pole, and when they looked on the bronze serpent, they were healed of their snake bites. At My refuges I asked My refuge builders to dig wells for water. You also bought dried food and canned foods. It may be difficult to get used to eating soups made from the dried food, the MREs or Meals Ready to Eat, and canned foods. Do not complain about the food you will be given at the refuges, because you saw how the Israelites suffered for complaining about the food. The soups made for the day will be multiplied to last so everyone is fed. You will have smaller ovens for making bread, deer for meat, but no air conditioning. Some refuges may have electricity from solar panels. My angels will protect you and you will have your needs provided for your survival. When you look on the luminous cross in the sky, you will be healed of any sickness or health problems. You are seeing a great parallel of the Israelites in the desert to My faithful who will be at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have been suffering with a constant cough with difficulties sleeping for over two weeks. You had one round of prednisone and antibiotics, but it is your second round that is finally stopping your cough. I can see you are relieved that your cough has stopped. It is good to offer up any pain or sickness for sinners and the souls in purgatory. Other people are suffering from sickness or chronic pain, so pray for the sick, since you know how difficult it can be lose sleep at night, or have mobility problems with leg pains. You can thank Me and your doctors for healing you.”
Thursday, July 27, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing record high temperatures all across your country. You have also seen more rain than usual, and even floods in some parts because so much rain came at once. Even your news is suggesting a possible change in your ocean currents. These are more signs of the end times when the Bible speaks of earthquakes, famine, and pestilence or even man-made viruses. You prayed your storm prayer because of the violent storms that were headed in your direction. I heard your prayer and you were protected. You are receiving some punishments in your weather for your sins. But the evil of the one world people is causing corruption in your government, your schools, and your families because you have taken Me out of your lives. You do not have prayer in most schools and few are praying to Me daily. The one world people are trying to control every facet of your lives, and they will be persecuting those people who follow Me. Have no fear because I will bring My faithful to My refuges where I will have My angels protect you from the tribulation of the Antichrist.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am the Great Healer of people who have a deep faith that I can heal them. When you read the Gospels, you have seen how I healed many sick and other infirmities instantly, and some in stages. So I am asking My faithful to pray for the sick and those people with cancer or chronic pains. You, My son, have been healed of your sciatica pain and your recent asthma bronchitis, so you know how people are suffering. But when you are healed, give thanks to Me for any healing in public to witness to My healing power.”
Jesus said: “My people, in the news you have been hearing testimony from whistle blowers about how the Bidens were given millions of dollars for political favors from the Ukraine, Russia, and China. There have been several sources to collaborate with similar accounts of payments that were laundered through many LLC companies to hide these transactions. Because of the volumes of information, the Speaker of the House of Representatives is on the verge of calling for a Biden impeachment inquiry to be able to get more power to investigate the Bidens. Be careful not to ask for a special counsel that the Democrats could choose to stifle such an investigation. Your IRS, FBI, and Dept. Of Justice have covered up such information, but your people want this properly investigated. Pray that these treasonous crimes can be brought to justice.”
Jesus said: “My people, be careful with all of the billions of dollars of ammunition, planes, and tanks that you are sending to a corrupt government in the Ukraine. This is draining your own defenses that you may need to depend on against China and other nations. Do like Trump suggested in staying out of foreign wars. The one world people want to use this war to bring America down. Pray for peace and avoid supporting this war.”
Jesus said: “My son, this is your second trip to Canada within a few weeks. My angels protected you on your way to Amos, Quebec where Fr. Michel R. dedicated his second monastery. Now, you will be visiting your friends in Canada to honor St. Anne’s feast, and visit other friends as well. Pray your St. Michael long form prayer before and after this trip, so My angels will guard your way.”
Jesus said: “My people, you may be aware or not of how the HAARP machine can be used to cause extreme weather conditions. When you see a high pressure or low pressure system stay in one place for several days, this is a sign of what the HAARP machine can do. You have tornadoes frequently, but the HAARP machine can enhance the severity of tornadoes and other strong storms as well. The one world people can use this device to cause problems that they want their own solutions. These evil ones will be brought to My justice at the proper time.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are in the pre-tribulation time now, and the one world people are making their plans to prepare for the Antichrist’s takeover. He will declare himself, which will start the tribulation time. I will be calling My faithful to My refuges before this happens and after the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion. During the conversion time I will have My angels protect My faithful from any evil influence as you try to convert souls. The evil ones will use the digital dollar and they will mandate the mark of the beast that you should avoid taking. They may also bring another pandemic virus, but do not take any flu shot or Covid shot that could lead to your death. You saw in the news how some medical people want yearly flu and Covid shots to be recommended. Pray for My angel protection when I will bring you to My refuges before the tribulation starts.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are not blind to all of the planes and ships China keeps sending to harass Taiwan as their threats of a takeover are getting worse. It is hard to know how much America will honor its military alliances with Taiwan and the other nations that are threatened by China’s military. China is also trying to takeover the shipping lanes of the South China Sea. It is better to have peace with military strength, but it is doubtful Biden and the Democrats will fight China because of all of the China bribes to the Bidens. Pray for peace, but your weak President is prompting China and Russia to try and take land by force.”
Friday, July 28, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I love you all so much as My lovely creations, and in the first reading you have My Ten Commandments of love to follow Me. I should be the center of your lives, and you should be doing everything for My greater glory. I thank My disciples who show their love for Me and love of neighbor. The Gospel speaks about the Sower who sows My Word into the hearts of the people. The seed falling on rocky ground are those people who do not take My Word to heart because they do not have deep roots of faith. The seed falling among thorns are those people who accept My Word at first, but they allow the things of the world to choke off loving Me. The seed falling on good soil are the true faithful who make Me a strong part of their lives. Once you accept Me as the leader of your life and love Me, then I can help you follow the spiritual plan designated for you to live a faithful Christian life, and work to convert souls by your example. Those faithful will be blessed in heaven for directing their lives around Me and seeking the forgiveness of their sins in monthly Confession.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are many people in this world seeking security in possessions. This is why some people desire gold, silver, diamonds, or stocks for their security. I do not want any false gods before Me. In other words it is better to put your trust in Me for your security than your possessions. I can perform miracles, but I also offer you a home in heaven for your soul. Your possessions are cold and lifeless, and after this life, they are all worthless for your soul’s destination. So do not let the devil entice you with wealth in this world that will not help you when you die. Your treasure and hope is with Me because I can give you grace and forgiveness of your sins, which is most valuable for your soul. Where your treasure lies, so lies your heart. So focus more on your next life’s destination with Me after you die, because you want eternal life with Me in heaven, and not eternal suffering in hell with the devil persecuting you.”
Saturday, July 29, 2023: (St. Martha, Mary & Lazarus)
Jesus said: “My people, I am the Resurrection and the Life and nothing happens that I do not know about. I call souls to life at their birth, and I call souls home to Me at death. On the last day it is true that My faithful will be resurrected to have your body rejoin your soul again. I love everyone, and people decide their destination by whether they love Me or not. Those people, who love Me and seek My forgiveness, will join Me in heaven. But those people, who refuse to love Me, and do not seek My forgiveness of their sins, are choosing the eternal flames of hell. So choose life so you can be with the One you love for all eternity in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My son, I do confirm there would be great devastation and much death, that would come when World War III breaks out after the Antichrist declares himself. Before this happens, I will bring My Warning and My six weeks of Conversion when there will be no evil influence to convert souls. Everyone will have one last chance to accept Me in love and be converted. After the end of the six weeks of Conversion, I told you to get rid of all of your internet devices so the Antichrist cannot steal you away from Me with his eyes. I have warned you many times that if your lives are in danger, that I would call My believers to the safety of My refuges, where My angels would protect you from the evil ones. Only once My faithful are safe at My refuges, would I allow any destruction to go forth. It will be at that time that the Antichrist would bring war and destruction upon the earth during the tribulation. The tribulation of the Antichrist definitely will occur after the Warning. I am a merciful God in allowing My believers to be protected, but I am a just God in allowing those people, who refuse to love and believe in Me, to be destroyed in this world. Trust in My protection throughout the whole tribulation. I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the evil ones at the end of the tribulation, and My soldiers will be victorious at Armageddon. Then the evil ones will be cast into hell. I will then renew the earth, and I will bring My believers into My Era of Peace as their reward for being faithful to Me.”
Sunday, July 30, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I was speaking about the greatest treasure of all that you are seeking in Me, as you received Me in Holy Communion. You are thankful that you can receive Me into your hearts and souls. I tell you I am that Treasure you store in your hearts. All other earthly treasures are but chaff that the wind blows away. I love all of you, and you love Me as well. Hold Me close to your heart throughout your lives. Come to Confession frequently so you can keep your souls pure and free of sin. By following My laws, you will inherit My Kingdom in heaven. Reach out to convert as many souls as you can, for such conversions are the true meaningful miracles.”
St. Anne said: “My dear children, I thank all of you for coming to My Shrine here at Cormac to celebrate My feast day. I am your Grandma ma and I love all of you so much. I watch over all of My children, and you were fortunate to hear Bishop Guy share the old miracles that were received through My intercession with Jesus. It is ultimately Jesus who heals people. It is us intercessors who direct the intentions to my GrandSon, Jesus. Thank you again for attending this healing Mass. I am praying for your safety as you are returning home.”
Jesus said: “My son, I know you are praying for every soul in your family to be saved, because just like Me, you do not want to see one soul lost to hell. You are praying your fourth rosary every day for this intention. You also want them to come to Sunday Mass and Confession. I assure you that I will give you one opportunity to talk to each member of your family during the Conversion time. Then you can plead for their souls and hopefully they will listen to you so they can be saved. Be thankful that you will be able to witness My love for them, and that I am inviting them to eternal life with Me in heaven.”
N.B. When we left our friend’s house in her van for St. Anne’s Mass, someone had stuffed a rope up her tailpipe with an apparent attempt to poison us with carbon monoxide. Later, as we were getting gas, a person at the gas station told our friend that there was a rope hanging out from the tailpipe. Our friend pulled the rope out with an extra effort and it was a blond stringy rope which she discarded. Our friend was opening her window several times to give us fresh air while we prayed our rosaries.
Monday, July 31, 2023: (St. Ignatius of Loyola)
Jesus said: “My people, I know you are all weak to sin because you inherited this weakness from Adam. I give you My Ten Commandments of love to follow so you are on the right road to heaven. It is important to come to at least monthly Confession so the priest can give you absolution of your sins, and I will forgive you. Come to Me to seek My forgiveness and be sorry for offending Me with your sins. You are seeing water and My Most Precious Blood that cleanses your souls of your sins. Just as you saw Moses destroy the golden calf, I do not want any gods before Me in wealth or anything else. I need to be the center of your lives, because everything revolves around Me and My creation. I love all of you so much and I want all of My believers to love Me and remain with Me in heaven for all eternity. Now, My son, you are seeing the coming events that I have prepared you for. I thank you for spreading My Word and having people make refuges for their protection from the evil ones during the tribulation of the Antichrist. I am giving you a warning not to make any trips after the beginning of this October. You have seen confirmations and others are also giving you signs of the coming tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is important to get your three months of food before the fall period before October of this year. I have been warning people to get their food for some time. Now, there are signs that your time may be running out. My refuge builders also need to be ready when the people will be called to My refuges. You do not want to be short on food if events could close your stores, or you will not have the mark so you could not buy food. At My refuges I can multiply your food if you have faith that I can do it. I am asking all of My refuges to make one more trip to buy more cases of dried food with several varieties. You can also buy some canned food in cases as well. Be prepared to come to My refuges when I will call you.”
Tuesday, August 1, 2023: (St. Alphonsus Liguori)
Jesus said: “My people, you have read in the Book of Exodus about how Moses talked with Me, and his face became radiant. (Exodus 34:33-34) ‘When Moses finished speaking with them, he put a veil over his face. Whenever Moses entered the Presence of the Lord to converse with Him, he removed the veil until he came out again.’ This was My Presence with the Israelites in the tent at that time. Now, you have Me Present with you in My tabernacle and briefly in Holy Communion. You are blessed to have Me with you at all times. You can bring your intentions and troubles to Me, and I will give you rest and answers to your questions. I love all of you so much, and I am watching out for you at all times.”
Jesus said: “My people, I performed many miracles for My apostles to help their belief that I am the real Messiah promised to redeem Israel. Miracles are beyond the natural way of things in the world. Miracles are signs of My Presence among you. My son, you have see Me work miracles through you to heal a woman who needed an oxygen source, and a man who had a leg that was gangrene, but was healed with skin like a baby. These things were done to help people believe in your mission. You have seen many confirmations to show you that I am guiding your mission. So you can trust in Me that I am guiding people so they will be protected at My refuges during the tribulation. Be prepared to come to My refuges when I will call you.”
Source: ➥