Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, December 30, 2023
Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ of December 20 to 26, 2023

Wednesday, December 20, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the Annunciation of the Angel Gabriel to My Blessed Mother. She gave her fiat ‘yes’ to the Angel, and later the Holy Spirit overshadowed her as I was conceived in her womb. This feast is celebrated on March 25th, nine months before Christmas. You, My son, were fortunate to visit the grotto in the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth where Gabriel gave the words of the Hail Mary prayer. You also visited a cave in Bethlehem where a star on the ground indicates where I was born on the first Christmas. Rejoice as you are seeing the fulfillment of the prophecy of Ahaz who said a sign is given that a virgin will have a son, and He will be called Emmanuel.”
Jesus said: “My people, the Democrats are so afraid of Trump winning the election for President that they are making up charges in four cases to try and put him in jail. But none of these cases hold much truth. The Fourteenth Amendment does not apply unless Trump is convicted of being an insurrectionist. As such the ruling of the Colorado Court is not proper in a Primary election. It is the people’s right to vote for a candidate, and it should not be up to the court to remove candidates from the ballot. This would set a disastrous precedent to allow courts to ban candidates from an election. This may be a case to be settled by your National Supreme Court. Pray that justice should be upheld in your elections.”
Thursday, December 21, 2023: (Intention for Robert Bello, deceased)
Jesus said: “My people, this magnifying glass has two meanings, one for Robert Bello, and the other for My Blessed Mother. For Robert it means looking deeply into his life on earth in what he did during that time. Pray for his soul. The second meaning is for My Blessed Mother when she said: ‘My soul doth magnify the Lord.’ (Luke 1:46-55) This was given when My Blessed Mother went to help Elizabeth with her pregnancy in Ein Karem. This was the beginning of My Blessed Mother’s Magnificat. She does not have many words in the Bible, but these words showed how our two hearts are joined together as one. This scene is called the ‘Visitation’ as in the Second Mystery of the Joyful Mysteries. You pray this every day.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you may have seen a manual loom that is used to make rugs. I am showing you this beautiful loom as an example of how I weave your lives to use your skills to carry out your individual missions. You all have various skills that are used to provide for the needs of your society. You all are called to love Me and your neighbor. You can show your love for Me by helping your neighbor in their needs, such as helping by working at a food shelf. You share food with the poor and you work at soup kitchens to distribute the food to them.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen accidental fires where candles or heaters can cause fires. You saw some houses that were burned out while you were on your walk. It is sad to see someone lose their home to a fire. It is not easy to start all over seeking another home or rebuilding on the same lot. Pray for people who have lost their homes to fire or weather damage. You could even shelter some people temporarily until they could find a home.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have a sharing of gifts on Christmas eve and also a family dinner. It takes some work to cook things and prepare the meal. Give appreciation to all those people who are preparing the many dishes for your dinner. Thank people also for their kind gifts that you share. You can also give bouquets of prayers for all of your relatives. You can offer your prayers for people when you come before My crib at your Nativity scene. I love all of you and this is why I came on the earth as an infant so I could later offer My life in sacrifice to bring salvation to all souls who accept Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are preparing to celebrate My feast of Christmas and that of the Solemnity of My Blessed Mother on New Year’s Day. I want My people to be prepared for any possible terrorist attack, and to pray if possible, that your prayers could stop it. Pray for those people who are sick with Covid or any flu symptoms. Pray for peace in Israel and the Ukraine.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad to see the evil intent of the Hamas and Iran backers who have the desire to kill the Jews. It is the killing of 1400 innocent Jews by Hamas terrorists that has triggered this war. It is Iran who is training and funding this uprising against Israel. In the Ukraine you are seeing a Russian invasion and an ongoing war as Russia is trying to restore its former empire. Russia has even more intentions of taking back parts of Europe. Your country is providing arms for both of these wars, but keep praying for peace.”
Jesus said: “My people, the left Democrats are using all of their tricks and lies to try and prevent Trump from being elected President. They have harassed Trump with made up cases in the courts and now the Democrat controlled Colorado Supreme Court is trying to remove Trump from the primary ballot. This is a true threat to your democracy of the people who deserve the right to elect your leaders. With prayers you could see a correction for this injustice to your candidates.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a dangerous military build up in China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia that is threatening your country and the world’s freedoms. Your current government is not ready for fighting multiple wars. You need a build up of your defenses that are not getting ready for the next Pearl Harbor. You see China threatening to take Taiwan by force as they send planes and ships to harass Taiwan. Be prepared for more coming wars and a possible nuclear attack on your electric grid. Pray for My angels to help protect My faithful during the coming tribulation at My refuges.”
Friday, December 22, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, when you think of Christmas, you think of giving gifts to your family and friends. It should also be a time to give thanks to Me for all the gifts I have given you during your life. In addition to My physical gifts, I give you many spiritual gifts of grace every time you receive My sacraments. You also need to thank Me for your good health and providing the means to pay for what you need for your survival. When the evil ones will be allowed a short takeover during the tribulation, I will give My followers more gifts of My angel protection at My refuges. You will need gifts of My multiplication of your needs. So be at peace this Christmas and thank Me for all I do for you. By your prayers and good works and following My Commandments, you will have the best gift of all in being welcomed into heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before how your electric grid is vulnerable to various attacks. Even the Chinese hackers have been attacking your infrastructure in water, sewage, and electrical lines. If your transformers were damaged in a widespread area, it would take a long time to replace them. It is the long term power outages that could threaten your people with a possible famine. You remember well when you had an ice storm in 1991 and this shutdown your electricity for eleven days. Be prepared to have alternative heating means in place of your natural gas heaters. Having lights would be needed at night. If you do have such a catastrophic loss of electricity, pray that I will help you through it.”
Saturday, December 23, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you are in the last few days before Christmas in celebrating My birth in Bethlehem. St. John the Baptist truly is My messenger who proclaimed My Word and he prepared the way for Me. He encouraged the people to repent and be baptized. Baptism is the beginning of your life of faith in Me. Many of you are rushing about to buy gifts for your family and friends. You could also give some donations to the poor. You, My son, are also a messenger to prepare My people for My Second coming. You also are preparing your refuge to receive the faithful I will send to you. My angels will protect you from the evil ones and you will have your needs multiplied throughout the tribulation. Be prepared in your soul to greet Me at Christmas by coming to Confession to repent of your sins.”
Sunday, December 24, 2023: (Fourth Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, peace be with you as you are about to celebrate My birth on Christmas. All the angels were singing the Gloria for the shepherds in the field. My star was leading the Magi to My birth in Bethlehem, as they brought Me gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh for a king. Rejoice with My angels and heaven, as I was incarnated as a God-man. Bring your gift of love and your soul before Me like the Magi did. You share gifts with each other and you share yourself with Me as you give Me thanks and praise for all that I do for you. I bless all of you, and I give you good health, and healing for the sick when you call on Me in prayer.”
(10:00 p.m. Mass of the Nativity) Jesus said: “My son, you have been to the very spot marked by a star in the cave at Bethlehem where I was born. Even after I was born, St. Joseph was warned in a dream by an angel that he had to quickly take the Blessed Mother and Me to Egypt to avoid Herod from killing Me. I was protected from the evil ones so I could have My three years of ministry with My apostles. I was crucified by the Jews, but I confounded their leaders when I resurrected from the dead. Rejoice on this Christmas celebration which was the start of My bringing salvation to all souls who accept Me in faith.”
Monday, December 25, 2023: (Christmas Day)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother could not find a private room at an inn, so they accepted to stay in a stable with the animals. The choirs of angels sang the Gloria to the shepherds, and they were told of My birth in the stable. The Magi followed My star to Bethlehem and they presented Me gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. After St. Joseph’s warning in a dream by an angel, he led the Holy Family to the safety of Egypt, away from Herod who wanted to kill Me. Rejoice as you share My peace on earth, even amidst your wars.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen Israel continuing to bomb Gaza, and it is destroying the buildings and some tunnels. Israel is losing some soldiers, but by their bombing, they are killing more Hamas people in this war. There are many tunnels, so it is hard to see what progress Israel is making. Many Palestinians are dying from the bombing. Hamas does not want to give up the hostages unless Israel stops the war. As long as Israel is making progress against Hamas, they will continue to carry on the war. Pray that peace will come to Gaza and the Ukraine.”
Tuesday, December 26, 2023: (St. Stephen)
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad that these people killed St. Stephen who was one of the first deacons to be martyred for having faith in Me. There are many saints over the years who were martyred rather than deny their faith in Me. You may not die a martyr’s death, but you can be a dry martyr as you have to suffer through the taunts and verbal abuse for believing in Me. Stand firm in your faith and proclaim the Kingdom of God is at hand. Pray for endurance in this world of evil people, and trust that the Holy Spirit will give you the words to defend yourself from the evil ones.”
Source: ➥