Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Sunday, March 10, 2013

You are crying out for adaptation of the Holy Church to your present world.

- Message No. 54 -


My child. I am. Your Mother of tears. I weep for My children who live on earth and feel SO empty. You do not know why this is so, but you think you have to look for the faults in your world, whereas they lie within you.

My children, My Mother's heart is crying because you have banished God and Jesus, My Son, from your lives. You no longer know that true happiness lies in My Son. You have forgotten that God the Father is your Creator. And you have reoriented yourselves and have thus fallen into the devil's net. Not all of you are like this. Few still know the teachings of My Son and the commandments of God Our Father, but even fewer live by them. Especially the commandments of Our Lord are difficult for most children.

You cry out for adaptation of the Holy Church of My beloved Son to your present world, just because you do not want to change, you look for the faults in the Infallible and demand from your Creator, represented by the Holy Body of My Son here on earth, that He submits to your needs, when it is He who created you out of love, who gave you free will and who, even today, despite sin and denial of His existence, showers you with love, with graces, with wonderful gifts.

Do you not understand, My beloved children, that you are children of God? Have you really forgotten where you come from? Do you not know that you will never be extinguished? What has happened to you that you push aside God the Father, the Most High, and do not think about Him? Those who really listen within themselves will find God within themselves. And that is why you do not do it, because you know that it is you who must change, but that is uncomfortable for you. You would have to leave your comfortable life, which is often anything but comfortable, but the main thing is not to change. It is incomprehensible that you prefer a life without God to a life with Him. Who can exist without his Creator? You know the answer. And what do you think will happen to your soul once you leave the earthly life?

My children, wake up. You overshadow your soul with all kinds of earthly satisfactions and believe that this could go on forever. But your soul is suffering, only you don't want to know about it. You don't want to admit it and overplay it, and the shadow that covers your soul becomes bigger and bigger. But children, My dear children, when death catches up with you, the soul remains alone and what do you think happens then? YOU are the soul! You MUST be aware of that. You will always exist, only where you will go, that you decide yourselves.

So wake up. Find the way to God, because who does not want to go this way, he will be caught by the devil, tortured and not given free again. Don't obstruct eternity through comfort. Turn back! Change yourselves and be good to each other, then, only then will My tears dry up and My heart laugh again.

I love you. Do not forget that.

Your beloved Mother of tears.

Thank you, My child.

Source: ➥