Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Monday, April 29, 2013

Read the Bible and you will see that what is happening now was foretold in My Father's Holy Book.

- Message No. 119 -


My child. My beloved daughter. Where evil reigns, where Satan is worshipped, I, your Most Holy Jesus, cannot be there, because it is not possible. Please continue to pray for these lost souls, so that I may also be invited into their hearts and the transformation may take place in them, their heart and soul, with the help of the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the miracles that My Most Holy Father gives to all His children. My beloved children. As soon as the Eucharist is to be taken from you, My Most Holy Body in flesh and blood in the Sacrifice of the Mass, you must come together and continue to celebrate the Holy Eucharist with the few holy servants who truly trust in Me, who are My ordained priests. No renewal of the Covenant Man+God is as intense, as holy, as the reception of My Body given for you in every Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Continue to trust in Me, in your Jesus, and listen to the Word that I proclaim to you through My chosen visionary children, because My Holy Church, My Body here on earth, has been dishonored by the impostors who currently rule in the Vatican. My son Benedict XVI is My last true representative here on earth of My Church, but he has been driven out by the hypocrites and his evil followers who have crept into My Sanctuary and now want to corrupt all God's children from the highest of all ranks, the Holy See of Peter. Give them no credence, for out of their mouths speaks the devil himself. Skillfully they disguise their true intentions and subliminally they infiltrate lies into your souls. Watch out and be vigilant! Their contradictions are already beginning, and each of you who has eyes and ears, open them and look and listen carefully! First they will say this, then they will say that. So watch out and be vigilant and TRUST ONLY IN ME, YOUR JESUS! My Holy Mother has come to earth to warn you all. She shows you the way how you could have prevented many things and how, now that you have not listened to Her, you can nevertheless save your soul and those of your confreres. Listen to what We tell you! Worldwide We proclaim Our Holy Word! Worldwide We have chosen children to spread Our Word! Believe in Our Word! My Father has given you the Bible. Everything is written there! Read the Bible, the most Holy of all books, and then come to Me, your Jesus! You will read that all that We are proclaiming to you now is in accordance with My Father's Holy Book, and even more you will realize that what is happening now was foretold in My Father's Holy Book. Wake up! Turn back! And follow Me on the way to the New World! I, your Jesus, will take everyone to My New Kingdom, the New Jerusalem, created in perfect love for all of you by your Father who loves you so much, if you invite Me to dwell in your heart and let Me participate in your life. Moreover, I promise each one of you that I will heal and deliver you from sin and suffering. So give Me your YES, and happily you will live these days of the end times with Me, until we then enter together through the gates of the New Jerusalem, whose keys My Most Holy Father will now soon hand over to Me. I love you. Your Jesus. 119 A. The second request of Jesus and Mary - 04/29/2013 My so beloved daughter. Continue to spread Our word. Try to find translators so that even those who do not know your mother tongue can participate in Our Word and prepare their hearts for this mission. Let(t) them share in Our Word, in Our

Love that We have for all Our children, and bestow on them also Our rich gifts, which they will become aware of through Our Word in these messages.

So be it.

Your Jesus who loves you.

My child. The time has come for Us to reach ALL Our children worldwide with these messages. Therefore, Our request to you: Translate Our Word into all languages so that it becomes accessible to all Our children.

With deep love and affection.

Your Mother in Heaven.

Thank you, My child, My daughter.

Source: ➥