Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

We give you these messages from heaven so that you may have guidance.

- Message No. 184 -


My child. My dear child. It is good that you have come. I, your beloved Mother in Heaven, want to tell you and all My children the following today: Your world is coming to an end, but most of humanity does not see it. They do not listen to Our Word, do not want to know about all the warnings and "ways out" that We give them for their salvation.

They do not believe in Us, and this is very unfortunate and harmful, because they "dig" their own way into the darkness and do not see the light of God. This will be disastrous for them, because whoever does not see the Light of Heaven, only the way to hell remains, whoever does not give his YES to God the Father through His Holy Son, will not be able to go with Him to His New Kingdom.

My dear children. Do not block your way into the Light! Wake up and open your eyes! Listen to what We have to say and prepare yourselves! We are giving you these messages from heaven so that you have a guide on how to find Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven in the simplest way. We are telling you how your world is and what you need to change and do so that you can live in peace and without suffering and hardship.

We open the way for you into the glory of God the Father. All you have to do is listen to Our Word and put it into practice in your life. It starts with the constant YES to Jesus, My Son, your Savior. Everything else follows "AUTOMATICALLY"! You just have to give your YES, and We will help you in everything that "bothers" you on the way to God the Father.

Give Jesus your YES, and your life will change positively! We give you "The Preparation" so that you can ALL be saved. Here We give you the only true instruction on how to change your life to God the Father. We show you how easy the way to My Son is and guide you through the time of great changes, the end times.

Believe and trust! Then everything will be good for you.

So be it.

Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of ALL the children of God.

"Amen, I say this to you: Whoever gives Me his YES, to him I will hasten.

Whoever trusts in Me, I will not disappoint.

Whoever is good and gives Me his existence, I will take him and give him rich gifts, for I, your Holy Jesus, love each one of you and await you with open arms to reveal and give you the glories of My Father, God Most High.

So come to Me, My beloved children of God, and let yourselves be pressed against My Sacred Heart. Richly the graces will flow over you, already here during your lifetime on your earth. Richly you will be rewarded if you give your allegiance to Me, your Jesus.

Come, believe, trust and marvel! For great with joy will be your eyes and hearts when I take you into My New Kingdom! Great will be your joy when I come the Second Time and take with Me all those who have surrendered to Me.

So be it.

Your loving Jesus.

Savior of all God's children."

"My child. My daughter. Make this known. Many souls are unsettled and these are the ones to save now. Please pray the following prayer for these souls:

Prayer #24: Help for insecure souls .

Come, My child. Go to Jesus and be completely His.

Let yourself be embraced by His loving arms and feel the love that flows from His Sacred Heart into yours.

Come, My child, and do not be afraid, for Jesus loves you as you are!

Come, My child, come. Amen.

This is also a prayer that the Holy Angels of God will bring to these unsettled souls. In advance, you say:

Holy Angels of God, bring this prayer to the insecure souls so that they too may find Jesus.

Thank you, My children. I love you.

Your Jesus."

Source: ➥