Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Stress has been placed in your world by the devil.

- Message No. 209 -


My child. My dear child. Go about everything in tranquility, for whoever is not in tranquility quickly falls out of love, and whoever is not in love moves away from God and becomes susceptible to the devil, who waits for such occasions to create unrest and doubt, displeasure and disfavor in you.

My child. Tell this to all Our children, because the devil is lying in wait for you. Tell them to approach everything in tranquility so that they never fall out of love and thus do not become prey to the devil's ill-will.

Whoever is at peace, acts at peace and makes decisions out of peace, the devil cannot get at him so easily, therefore, My children so loved by Me, do everything at peace and do not let yourselves be rushed, because stress has been put into your world by the devil so that you no longer have this very peace.

I love you so much.

Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.

Make this known, My child. I love you. Your Mother in Heaven.

"Amen, I say this to you: He who loses his peace falls into unrest.

He who does not live love becomes discontented.

But he who is discontented easily enters into covenant with the devil, for his empty promises are a straw for him who does not live in love and fulfillment.

Be warned, then, My children so loved by Me, for only he who is in love is close to Me, only he who approaches everything in peace will never fall out of love.

I love you so much.

Your ever loving Jesus.

Savior of all God's children."

"My child. My daughter. This is very difficult for you to implement in this day and age, but keep trying. Enter into tranquility and when you notice you are not tranquil, seek out your places of tranquility, preferably those where Mary, Jesus, your saints and I, your Father who loves you so much, are at home (churches, holy places, nature.... -You must find this place, this source of peace and strength for yourselves. Whoever seeks it and asks Us for help, We will guide him-).

Never make decisions when you are out of rest, because that would not be right and great, for you annoying and painful (soul and heart) consequences can arise from such "hectic-stress-panic-decisions".

So always remain calm, and live and share your love for Me, your Heavenly Father, with your fellow human beings.

I love you from the depths of My Father's heart and embrace each one of you with My fatherly love, provided you allow Me to do so.

In deepest love and eternal attachment.

Your loving Father in Heaven.

Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being.

Thank you, My daughter so loved by Me."

Source: ➥