Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Pray, My children, for your prayer mitigates many things and shatters the plans of the evil one!

- Message No. 266 -


My child. My dear child. The grace of the Lord is so important for you. Without it you are not fit to live, so much does your Lord and Father love you that He extends and gives it even to these His children who turned away from HIM, so that they may have the opportunity to return to the right path and return to HIM, the Almighty Father.

My child. Tell all Our children to repent and give their YES to My Son, who is the brother of all of you and suffered on the cross for you, each one of you, and then died to rise again and show you the way to the Father.

My children. My children so loved by Me and by Us. Turn back! Run to the Father! Pray for yourselves and your loved ones and pray for all the lost children of this, your earth, so that the Holy Spirit of the Father may work in them and in you!

Pray to the Father for the grace of conversion of the whole world, because only in this way will peace enter the hearts of people, only in this way will you be able to meet each other in love and live with each other with love and respect!

Pray, My children, pray. Prayer is your weapon in the fight against evil! It helps you to be and stay strong! It changes! It purifies! It converts! It heals! And it gives peace, fulfillment and great joy!

Pray, My children, for your prayer mitigates many things and shatters the plans of the evil one! So pray, dear children, and pray with love and fervency! Your prayer will be heard! Your prayer will be heard, provided that it is in accordance with the will of God, your Father! I.e. Do not pray for earthly riches and benefits, but pray for your soul and the salvation of your brothers and sisters!

Pray for peace in the hearts of all peopleand especially of those who are misguided by the beast, the root of all evil! Pray, pray, pray and no more war will spread, no more suffering befall your earth, but the love of the Lord will touch all hearts and save you from the very worst.

This, My so beloved children, is the grace of the Lord, which, through the prayer of all of you, will be even greater, even more powerful and sent in the purest love to the earth and into the hearts of men. It floods your earth, and the more you pray, the more hearts will soften and the more souls will be converted.

Believe and trust, for so it will be.

I love you.

Your Mother in Heaven with Jesus.

Mother of all God's children and Savior of the world. Amen.

Jesus: Thank you, My daughter.

Source: ➥