Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Give thanks to your Lord and Creator every day.

- Message No. 292 -


My child. My dear child. Your world is so beautiful. It is a marvel of God, just as you are marvels of the Lord, yet you do not appreciate your earth, nor do you respect your fellow brothers and sisters.

My children. This must not and cannot go on like this, because you must have respect for the wonderful creation of the Lord, thank HIM for all the riches that the earth offers you, and give HIM the honor and thank HIM for your life, because it is not a matter of course that the Lord created you and gave you the earth, but it happened and still happens today out of pure, purest and most perfect love for you, My children.

Thank your Lord and Creator every day for your life, the beauties of the earth, for your children, your food, your work and for everything you have, because only in this way you show your gratitude and show HIM, the Almighty Father, the honor that is due to HIM!

Live according to His commandments and get back on the Divine way, the way to HIM, because only in this way you will be able to return to HIM, only in this way you will learn to understand the secrets of the Lord. Only in this way will you reach HIM, and only in this way will you find HIM.

I love you, My so beloved children, your Mother in Heaven.

Mother of all God's children.

"Amen, I say this to you: Whoever does not carry thanks in his heart, whoever takes life for granted, whoever does not honor (respect) his country (earth), his brother (fellow brother) and himself, the mysteries will remain closed to him, and he will not find the Lord.

Therefore, have respect for each other and for the Lord's creation and show your gratitude and honor to HIM, then, My dear children, you will soon understand the mysteries of the Lord and the Kingdom of Heaven will be open to you.


Your Jesus who loves you so much.

Savior of all God's children."

Amen. Thank you, My daughter.

Source: ➥