Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Saturday, October 26, 2013

He who lives with the Father has everything he needs!

- Message No. 320 -


My child. My dear child. It is good that you have come. We are concerned, My dear child, because what is happening in your world at this time is bad and terrible, and the apostasy of so many of Our children is causing Us much suffering.

My children. You must wake up and prepare yourselves and not think only of yourselves, your pleasures and your satisfactions, because that way you will never find the way to God. You must go into yourselves and learn to be "with yourselves", to be satisfied with yourselves WITHOUT excuses and distractions, because when you are with yourselves, God the Father has the possibility to reveal himself to you, but the one who is distracted and constantly busy with something, he will not be able to hear God the Father.

Turn within yourselves! Look into your heart! And if you see that it is overflowing with filth, then cleanse yourselves! If it aches and hurts you, then relieve its suffering. But do not try to heal it on the outside, but heal it from within!

God the Father is with each of His children, and never will HE leave you alone, but your heart must be open to HIM and you must come in peace to notice, feel and hear HIM.

My children. A life with Our Father is more beautiful than anything you know. No good in the world can compare with it, because whoever lives with the Father has everything he needs. Whoever lives with HIM is happy in his heart. He who lives with HIM carries joy and contentment in himself. He who lives with HIM is never alone. He can give up all worries, because the Father carries them for him. All sorrow he can accept, because the Father also bears it for him. All joy he can share, because God the Father is with him.

A life with the Lord is incomparable and full of wonders and simply beautiful. There is nothing in your world that could give you this joy, this love, this peace and this happiness. Therefore, My so beloved children, turn back and find the way to HIM, to your Father in Heaven, the Creator of your and all being, and you also attain this incomparable joy, love and confidence in your life, which millions upon millions of God's children already have and may experience every day.

Come to the Father! Give your YES to Jesus! And HE will come to bring you to the Father, and happily you will attain eternity.

I love you from the depths of My Sacred Heart.

Your Mother in Heaven.

Mother of all the children of God.

"Amen, I say this to you: Set out on the way to Me and give Me your YES.

Place yourselves entirely in My hands and trust in Me always.

I, your Jesus, will take care of you, and never again will I depart from you. So be it.

Your loving Jesus.

Savior of all God's children. Amen."

Sleep now, My child. Thank you. Your Jesus.

Source: ➥