Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, December 28, 2013
What is coming now is the last trick of the beast!
- Message No. 391 -

My child. My dear child. Thank you for coming. Tell Our children that We love them very much and that now the promised time will soon dawn. The 1000 year peace will be given to all of you, provided you have confessed Jesus, My Son who loves you so much. A YES to HIM, and your life will change positively, and you will feel Jesus, and the miracles of heaven will be given to you.
My children. Wait no longer, for the time is near. Do not rely on yourselves or on other people, for the great division is yet to come, and you will feel betrayed if you have believed in people. Many of you will lose your eternity of love and peace, because you did not believe in Jesus, but relied on "strangers".
Be warned! Only those who trust in My Son will be saved, but the others will be delivered to the devil, because this, what is coming now, is the last ruse of the beast to capture you, chain you to himself and take you to hell as "sacrificial lambs". His defeat will make him so angry that he will take it out on innocent and lost souls. He will despise and torment all those who did not bring him victory, for the guilt of his defeat and the consequent damnation of his he will give them and therefore torture them all the more.
My children. Turn back and give your YES to Jesus. Only in this way can you attain peaceful eternity.
Only in this way will your soul find salvation, and only in this way will you be able to enter into the eternity of the Father, back home, to your Creator who loves you dearly.
Give Jesus your YES and begin to let all the beauties of heaven into your life. Amen.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
Thank you, My daughter.
Source: ➥