Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Friday, April 4, 2014

If only you could feel His love so great!

- Message No. 504 -


My child. My dear child. Tell Our children that We love them very much and that Jesus, My Son, awaits each one of them.

He reaches out to each one of you, hoping to touch your heart and inflame your free will for Him. My children. My Son loves you so much. If you could only all feel His so great love, never again would you be sad, never again would you feel alone.

My children. The love of My Son is merciful, that is, it is all-forgiving, purifying, and it heals. Come to HIM, to your Jesus, and let yourselves be cradled in His loving arms and begin to let HIM take care of you, because if you give yourself completely to HIM, trust in HIM and really invite HIM into your life and live with HIM, then, My so beloved children, HE will change your life and be always by your side.

My children. Give your YES to My Son and get involved in this wonderful adventure, because My Son has His miracles ready for you and will flood you completely with His love. You will know true joy, and more and more your hearts will be filled. So be it.

With deep love.

Your Mother in Heaven. Amen.

"My Son is waiting for you. Give HIM your YES and prepare yourselves for His Second Coming. Amen."

Source: ➥