Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Sunday, May 18, 2014

The light of your earth is My Holy Son, your Jesus!

- Message No. 559 -


My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children the following today: The light of your earth is My Holy Son, your Jesus.

Only through HIM do you find the Father. He is the light, the love and the way. Only through HIM you will be able to enter into the Eternal Life in Glory at the side of the Father in Heaven. Only HE will guide and lead you, give you the love that heals you, makes you worthy, is merciful and forgives ALL.

So come to HIM, to your Savior, because without HIM you will be lost, without HIM your "soul will die" without ever dying, and without HIM you will not be able to go the way to the Father, because only HE will deliver you from evil, only HE has the authority to lead you into the eternal glory of the Father, because HE is the Son of the Almighty, the Redeemer of all God's children, and he who loves HIM, gives HIM his YES and trusts in HIM, will not be lost. Amen.

Come to Jesus and give Him your YES. Then you too will experience the glory of the Lord, and your soul will be whole and full of joy.

Don't wait any longer, because the time you still have on earth is short, and sooner than you think everything will be over.

Save yourselves, your children and family! Spread the word of the Lord. Thus your soul will not be lost, and your loved ones will be saved. Amen.

Your loving Mother in Heaven.

Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation.

With all the saints present and the angels, Jesus and God the Father. Amen.

Source: ➥