Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
The true greatness is in "being small"!
- Message No. 636 -

My child. My dear child. Be completely calm. Be completely with Us. Tell the children of Earth that the provocations are now increasing. You will feel them everywhere, but YOU MUST STAY IN LOVE! We know how difficult this often is for you, but be sure that the true greatness lies in "being small" and the one who is "small" and like a child, the Kingdom of Heaven is closest to him!
My children. The Father and the Son are looking at you full of love! And they rejoice in your good heart, your gentleness, your understanding and your peace. Don't freak out when you are wronged, instead bring it before the Father and offer it up to HIM! You will see that if you do not "fight back", peace and love will return to you and the peace of the Father will spread within you!
Follow My call and do not give in to any provocation, no matter how big or how small it is! All this is a cleverly contrived game by the devil, and he uses others to upset and enrage you. Never give in to these impulses, for they are snares of the evil one! And from a small thing a quarrel can arise, from a small quarrel a whole war!
This is how the devil works, so never give in, but turn to Jesus and the Father! Whoever is with Jesus can stand firm, whoever communicates with HIM and the Father will experience peace and love and finally peace within himself. So do not let yourselves be provoked and be completely with Us, then the devil will fail you in spite of all cunning, and the victory will be yours.
My children. Live the love of the Father that lives in your hearts! Be one with Jesus, My Son, and live completely according to His teachings! The commandments of the Father were given to you out of love, and they are the only "law" that makes peaceful coexistence possible. If you live according to the commandments, you are like "twinkling stars" on earth, and the Father delights in you!
Live the commandments of the Father and make yourselves completely free from sin! With the purity of the Holy Spirit, the merciful love of My Son and the goodness of the Father in Heaven, you will succeed! So pray to HIM and ask for their help, so you will be able to resist sin more and more and come closer and closer to the Father. Amen. So be it.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥