Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Meaning of the 3 tears of blood wept by Jesus on the cross:

- Message No. 645 -


My child. Through these 3 tears of blood, your rivers, your lakes and your seas will turn red. This is done to show you My sadness over your apostasy and to call you to repentance. At the same time, it is a warning to you, a "shaking up", because it is one of the so many signs that I send to you that the end of the end is near and the end times have long since begun. My children. My children so loved by Me. Your only way IS ME, your Jesus who loves you so much from the deepest heart. Accept the signs that I, My Father, send you and realize where you are and how bad the state of your earth is: without faith in Me, your Lord, your Savior, your Merciful Jesus. Find Me, for I AM your only chance. Love Me as I love you, and trust in Me. Amen. VISION of July 03,2014 In Adoration Jesus on the cross behind the altar "comes alive". He weeps. Then he looks at the earth. 3 tears of blood fall to the earth. He then continues to cry "normal" tears.

Now he climbs down from the cross. (as if everything was now accomplished. But:)

Then I see the world again, and Jesus is again "pressed" to the cross. HE says: "Your sins strike Me to the cross."

In adoration before the Blessed Sacrament .

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