Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Friday, August 15, 2014

1000 years he will not be released!

- Message No. 654 -


My child. Please tell Our children the following today: The light of heaven will soon be extinguished, and darkness will befall your earth. Do not be afraid at this time, for Jesus, your Savior, will come. HE will defeat the enemy, and gloriously HE will enter the New Kingdom, created by ME, your Father and Creator in Heaven, and all those who are faithful to HIM will go with HIM, for the time of 1000 years of peace will now soon begin, and never again will wars and injustices, hunger and other hardships befall you, for the adversary will be chained, in the abyss of hell he will torment those who have not confessed My Son, and 1000 years he will not get free, and no soul will he be able to tempt.

My children. Look forward to this time and do not fall into doubt and gloom, for the darkness must come so that the light can triumph! Be completely with My Son and do not lose yourselves! My Son will always let His light shine in you, and the way will be shown to you through HIM. So convert and confess, for without Jesus you will be lost, but with HIM you will know and live in the glorious glory that I have prepared for you!

Rejoice, My children, for the time is at hand!

In sincere and infinite love, your Father in Heaven.

Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being. Amen.

--- "Listen to what My Father says to you! Soon I will stand before you. I will come, and I will conquer, and all those who are faithful to Me will go with Me. Believe and trust and honor My Mother, for She is Holy, and She is Mother of all God's children. Amen.

With love, your Jesus.

Son of the Almighty and Savior of all God's children. Amen."

--- "Get ready and prepare yourselves. Soon the promised time will begin. My Son will come to you and will be victorious, and "evil" will be banished. The New Kingdom will be opened and a New Era will begin. Believe and trust and ALWAYS be faithful to Jesus. Amen.

With deep and infinite love, your Mother in Heaven.

Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen."

--- "So be it. An angel of the Lord (from the 7 choirs)."

Source: ➥