Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Sunday, August 31, 2014

I call you to pray for peace in your world!

- Message No. 673 -


My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children to pray today.

In prayer they find a special power that helps them, but they must trust and believe firmly and find more and more to My Son.

My children. It is so important that all of you -each one of you- find your way to My Son, because only HE IS your salvation! Only with HIM you will enter into the eternity of peace, and only HE will give you the love and security for which your soul longs so much!

My children. Set out on your way! My Son is waiting for you, and I, your Holy Mother of Lourdes, am there for you, here and there and wherever you are, so ask Me, and I will lead you, to My Son, Who will give you salvation. Believe and trust, for this is how it will be once you convert and begin to walk the path to the Lord.

My children.

I call you to pray for peace in your world. Your wars are escalating more and more, and the third world war is at your doorstep.

Pray for peace in the hearts of all God's children, pray for peace in your world, pray for the conversion of the lost souls and ask for peace and love and the flaring up of the Divine Light in the blackened souls.

Then, My dear children, My Son can work in them with and through the Holy Spirit, and where the flame of the Divine Light burns, peace will come and all evil deeds will be mitigated and even prevented.

My children. Your prayer is important. Pray. Amen.

Your loving Mother in heaven.

Mother of all God's children and Mother of Lourdes. Amen.

Source: ➥