Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

HALLOWEEN -A satanic cult that summons demons!

- Message No. 729 -


My child. My dear child. There you are. Please tell the children of the earth the following today: Halloween is a satanic festival, and you who are true followers of Jesus should stay away and your children. Much harm can be done because especially your little ones see it as "normal", and so this "festival" is trivialized, reduced to "fun", and you do not see the evil background.

Wake up, My beloved children, and remove yourselves from the world of evil! Take care of your children and do not expose them to this banalization of evil! You are opening "windows" and "doors" to satanic demons, and without you wanting it, they are "in" you, because you are committing a "feast" that is satanic in origin! So stay away and do not commit this "feast", this "cult", because it can endanger you and your little ones and destroy your salvation!

So now hold fast to the Catholic feasts and commit them prudently and with love in your hearts! Set a sign for your environment and don't give in to commerce or the masses! You are important and your salvation must be in the foreground. Be faithful to Jesus and do not run after Satan, no matter how harmless and banal this "cult" is presented to you! You are children of God and as such you must not let yourselves be led astray.

The devil uses everything to trap you, and your world is cunning and deceitful. So do not fall for his traps and do not believe in the trivialization of this feast, for you attract evil demons from the underworld, and once you have them with you, you are exposed to constant danger!

Keep away, My children, and be thoughtful. Jesus wants to save you, but you must stay with HIM and not go astray. Do not go astray, My children, and remain faithful to Jesus. I love you.

Your Mother in Heaven.

Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.

--- "My children. You are flooded with devilish stuff. Keep away and stay completely with Me. No skull and crossbones, no Halloween decorations, no scary costumes and no celebrations of devilish feasts. You must stay with Me, faithful and devoted and not run after the devil who wants to steal you. He will deprive you of your eternity at My side, so be vigilant and warned: Halloween is not a festival of joy, but a satanic cult that evokes demons! So be warned and alert, and decide well. Only I AM THE WAY to the Kingdom of Heaven, and whoever is faithful to Me will never follow the devil. Amen. I love you. Your Jesus."

Source: ➥