Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Saturday, January 3, 2015

Do not leave the decision "to chance"!

- Message No. 801 -


My child. My dear child. Please tell the children of the earth the following today: You must prepare yourselves, for My Son stands ready.

Soon the gates of heaven will open and HE will come with the Heavenly Hosts of the angelic hosts and HE will defeat the devil and he will be chained, but you must be ready for that moment, for whoever is not ready will not be spared in these last days.

Hell will open up and devour his soul, for whoever has not given his YES to Jesus will lose the Heavenly Protection, and before the end comes, he will live in the abyss of hell, suffocating, for true life can no longer be spoken of there. His soul will suffer and suffer and suffer, and this state will be more terrible than all the suffering of the earth.

So consider well where you will go, for the decision is yours. A YES to Jesus, and your journey into the glory of the Lord will begin. But it must be given sincerely and honestly.

You have the choice, My children, so choose wisely. Do not leave the decision "to chance" by not deciding, for he who does not decide will be lost, and the Lord of darkness will take possession of his soul.

So turn back and give your YES to Jesus, because HE is the only way to glory, to where your soul longs to go, back home to the Father who is waiting for you full of love and so much pain for your going astray.

Come, My children, come and start the way home. Jesus is your way! The only way. Amen. Without HIM you will not attain the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen. So be it.

I love you.

Your Mother in Heaven.

Mother of all God's children and Mother of Salvation. Amen.

Source: ➥