Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, January 5, 2015
By this you will be able to recognize it!
- Message No. 803 -

My child. My dear child. Tell the children of the earth today the following: You are being lied to and deceived and enslaved, but you do not realize it or do not want to realize it, but, My children, whoever is not vigilant will suffer. He will get entangled in the devil's snares and there will be no exit for him unless he converts and finds his way to My Son, your Jesus.
My children. Jesus is your only way. There is no other way back home where love, peace and glory reign. Only through Jesus will you find your way to the Father, so you must repent and confess to HIM, your Savior who loves you so much, in order not to be lost to the Adversary.
My children. It is not too late. Soon, however, the mists with which the devil lulls you and tries to withhold the truth from you will thicken. Therefore, let your light, placed in you by God Our Father, shine and connect it with Jesus, My Son. In this way you will not be lost, and the true light will show you the way.
The devil will give you artificial lights so that you run to him and to his hell, but this light is WITHOUT love. By this you will be able to recognize it, My children.
Whoever is completely established in My Son has nothing to fear. His soul will be lifted up and Jesus will fight for him.
No child shall be lost, for this My Son was born to you. But your free will decides where you will go. So choose well, for ONLY MY SON IS THE WAY HOME, all others will lead you to the hellfires of the devil.
So be warned and be ever vigilant. Keep yourselves pure and ready, for: My Son will come to conquer, and all children who bear the Father's seal HE will redeem.
The glorious time prophesied to you is about to dawn. So be ready and do not sin.
My Son stands ready. Amen. So be it.
With deep maternal love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥