Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Use the prayers We have given you in these and other messages!

- Message No. 805 -


My child. My dear child. Good morning.

My children. Please pray in the night when We call you. Your prayer is so much needed!

Pray always in the intentions of My Son and unite in prayer with your saints and with Me, your Mother in Heaven who loves you so much. Ask Us to pray with and for you, and pray in all the intentions that We always ask of you.

Pray to the Holy Spirit for clarity, purity and guidance and for protection from lies and confusion.

Ask St. Michael the Archangel to be your defender in the fight against evil and to free you from all evil entanglements. Ask for His protection and use the prayers We have given you in these and other messages.

My children. The end is near, and only your prayer will be able to keep you faithful to My Son. It will make you strong and powerful. It will give you hope and stop and even repel evil! Your prayer is powerful, and it has the power to preserve you.

So pray, My beloved children, and pray in Our times. The Evil One is very active, lying on his last legs. So do not allow him to continue stealing souls, lying to you and deceiving you!

Your prayer works the miracles in this time of the end, so pray, My children, and be completely united with Us. I, your loving Mother in Heaven, ask you to do this, because many souls still need to be saved, and your prayer contributes to this.

My children. The saints of the Holy Communion are ALL ready for you. "Speak" to them and they will pray for you and with you.

Always ask your Guardian Angel to pray with you and your soul especially when you are tired or distracted. He will keep your prayer going, but you must ask Him to keep praying with your soul.

My children. Soon this time of the end will be over, and you will enter the New Kingdom of My Son.

Look forward to it, My children, for a wonderful time will dawn in glory and splendor. Amen.

I love you.

Your Mother in Heaven.

Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption with the saints of the Holy Communion and the angelic armies, all ready for you (and for the final battle). Amen.

Source: ➥