Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
- Message No. 827 -

My child. Today, please tell the children of the world the following: You must rise up and remain faithful to Jesus, for only HE is the way to the Father. Only with HIM will you be delivered from the clutches of the devil, and only with HIM and through HIM will you "find" salvation and glory.
My children. It is important that you remain faithful to Jesus, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS or WHAT "MAN" DEMANDS OF YOU! This life on earth is short, and it is the preparation for eternity! So do not throw away your eternity at the Lord's side for a little prosperity, for a little comfort, for a little "calm", because it is only the calm before the storm, superficial and not at all real, because who thinks to live according to the "mouth" of others, who do not trust in Jesus, who want to get rid of HIM, who banish, disgrace and dishonor HIM, who serve the devil consciously or unconsciously, because they do not open their eyes, close their hearts and go the way of comfort, fame, recognition, prosperity and power - so whoever lives according to their "mouth" will be lost, because he does not stand by My Son, does not follow HIM, is not faithful to HIM, because because HIM his well-being here in the appearance of the earth world is more important, he turns his back on Jesus, slander HIM, his Savior, and will not be worthy TO LIVE AT HIS SIDE!
So turn back, My children, and be faithful to Jesus! Do not slander HIM, NO MATTER WHAT "MAN" DEMANDS OF YOU! Jesus will come to save every soul that is faithful and devoted to HIM!
So trust in HIM, your King, and live as worthy children, now and until the end. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, ask this of you, and I call to you, My beloved flock of children: pray to Me and ask Me, for every asking child I will lead to My Son, and he will not be lost. This grace the Father grants Me for those who turn to Me imploringly, that is, who come (pray) to Me with a sincere heart and ask for help. My intercession at the throne of the Lord is sure for them. Amen.
Use this grace that the Father gives you, for it is of the greatest generosity and out of the greatest love for you, My children.
I love you, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥