Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, February 2, 2015
Before HIM your soul counts!
- Message No. 832 -

My child. My dear child. Write and listen to what I, your Mother in Heaven who loves you so much, want to say today to the children of the earth and to you: Your world is coming to an end, yet you all remain in "humanities", i.e. you cling tightly to and in earthly things, instead of trusting completely in My Son and letting HIM be Lord of your lives!
What use are money and riches of earthly kind to you, when soon there will be nothing left of them?
What do you want with all your money and accumulated belongings, when soon My Son will "stand before you"?
What do you take with you into eternity at the Lord's side?
Is it not the spiritual riches that you should "hoard"?
Is it not the purity of your soul that you want to offer to the Lord?
So why do you hold on to "regulated circumstances in the earthly"?
Before the Father, neither your money nor your accumulation of earthly goods has any value! Before HIM your soul counts, and this must shine free of sin in purest light!
Who continues to "stick" to earthly goods and riches, he will be eternally sad, because he runs after something, which is worthless before God. He puts his efforts "on the wrong horse", because everything earthly is transient, but everything spiritual remains. I.e. gather spiritual riches and do not run after the transients.
You are always only on the search, on the "racing path" of: "I want still more" and forget thereby the essential: Your purity before the Lord! Your soul, which longs for home and the love of the Father! But all this you will never find in the outside, but only in you, in your heart and the union with Jesus, because: Without HIM you are empty.
Without HIM you will not find the way home.
Without HIM your soul will not find its fulfillment.
Without HIM you will never arrive home.
You will always remain in search, always want to have more, and never will you come to rest.
So turn back, and reflect on what is essential: My Son is the Way, the Love and the Purity, and only through HIM you will find fulfillment, but without HIM you will always remain searching and "wanting to have even more".
My children. Your happiness does not lie in the earthly. This is only the devil, who tries to catch you cleverly with it. So now let go of your material desires, riches and accumulations of money, because: My Son is the way, your way, and he who trusts wholly and completely in HIM will always be provided for. Amen. So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥