Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Become worthy to be allowed to come before the Lord and the Father!

- Message No. 837 -


My child. My dear child. Please say the following to the children of the earth today: You must let your light shine and connect it to My Son, because very soon "darkness is breaking in" and you must be prepared!

Whoever has not found his way to My Son will be lost. The devil will take hold of his soul, and he will make it suffer, inflict suffering, torment and imprison it, and this will last, My children, so now profess My Son, your Jesus, and connect with HIM!

Consecrate yourselves to HIM and give yourselves completely to HIM! In this way the promises will come true "to you", because "the Kingdom of Heaven will be given to you", but you must be pure and prepared to receive your inheritance at the Lord's side.

My children. Become worthy to be allowed to come before the Lord and the Father! Whoever is not worthy will not receive the promised inheritance.

Convert therefore and come to Jesus: a YES is enough to take the first step.

Come, My children, come, for My Son awaits you. Amen. So be it.

Your loving Mother in Heaven.

Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.

Source: ➥