Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Every doubt "springs" from your faith which is not yet established!
- Message No. 841 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children the following today: Do not worry your heads about "things" that you cannot understand at this time!
Use your time for your preparation and for prayer!
Call to the Holy Spirit for clarity and do not begin to doubt, because: All doubts come from the evil one! He tempts you in everything and everywhere!
Don't let him "become master of you, your thoughts", because every doubt keeps you from the essential and "springs" from your not yet established faith, i.e. you must trust, trust in Us
Don't give the devil this place, because you give the devil place with every doubt about Us, about Our Word, which comes exclusively from the Father, because it is HE, WHO gave Us, Me, His Holy Handmaid, and Jesus, His Holy Son, as well as the saints and angels who "speak" here, this mission, so that you may not be lost, so that you may have guidance, so that you may find to Jesus and through HIM to the Father!
My children. Do not doubt! All that We tell you is for your salvation and to keep away the worst evil in your world!
Pray, My children, pray to the Holy Spirit for clarity, for HE will give it to you when you are fully trusted and established in faith.
My children. Do not brood, for your brooding leads you into doubt! Believe and trust and ask the Holy Spirit for "enlightenment".
Many "things" you cannot understand yet. They are "sealed", i.e. God the Father has not (yet) explained them to you. So believe and trust and consolidate yourselves in Jesus!
The "mysteries" of the Lord are not comprehensible for the human mind. Only if HE wishes it, you will understand them, but this happens in absolute devotion to the Lord. The whole "vastness", however, a human being will not be able to "grasp".
So pray, My children, and help the poor souls in Purgatory, for their suffering is great, as is their torment. Help them to rise, for your prayer contributes to this. Thus, their purification will be "shortened", and this too is a mystery of the Lord.
So pray, My children, and include the poor souls (in purgatory) in your prayer. They will be eternally grateful to you, because they can do nothing for themselves there.
Therefore "purify" yourselves during your lifetime, purify yourselves, repent, confess, repent! Stay away from sin to be able to come before the Lord, pure and worthy, because only HE is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven, and only in purity and through the mercy of the Lord will you get there.
My children. Prepare yourselves, because if you do not do it now, you will hardly have time for it. Amen.
I love you. Do not doubt, but believe.
Your mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "My child. Tell the children that We love them and that My mercy will prevail. Please tell them. Amen.
Yours / Your Jesus."
Source: ➥