Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
These torments that he will have to suffer then, My heart is already aching today!
- Message No. 861 -

My child. My dear child. Tell My children today the following: I love you, My children, and My heartache is for you because you do not convert and do not want to give your YES to My Son WHO IS HOLY.
Children, wake up, because the end is coming soon, and whoever has not found Jesus, has not confessed HIM, will be lost to the devil, and these torments that he will then have to suffer are already hurting My heart, which loves you so much.
They pierce it, because I know about the "disgrace" of hell fire and I wish I could spare you it, but the only way is My Son, and whoever does not confess to HIM will be lost.
My children. My children so loved by Me. Rise up and renounce the devil! In everything you do, he is present and sets traps for you! You do not believe it, for you are made blind, and yet it is as I say!
Break out of this world of appearances, for nothing good will it bring you. So run to My Son, for HE is the Life, the Love and the Truth, and only with HIM will you be lifted up!
My children. You can still find Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, in the tabernacle and in every consecration. So use the short time that remains and seek Him! Soon it will be taken from you everywhere, but Jesus is always with you. He lives in you and will always be with you, so treat HIM well and consecrate yourselves to HIM, because HE IS SON OF GOD, your Redeemer and your "key" into the Eternal Life in the Kingdom of Heaven.
My children. Confess and adhere. The "stream" of life, of your world, will lead you to hell, therefore "swim" against it, break out and find My Son. I, your Mother in Heaven, ask this of you, for the pain, shame and suffering inflicted on you in the fires of hell are unbearable, yet you will have to endure them, for your soul is immortal. Amen.
Consider well where you will go, for only Jesus will give you fulfillment, but the other will use you in the most miserable way, humiliate and torment you.
Choose well, My children, and do not throw away your eternity at Jesus' side.
With love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥