Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, March 5, 2015
You live as if none of this happened!
- Message No. 863 -

My child. Say the following to the children of the earth today: My love I give you, for you are all children of the Lord, who created you in love, gave you life and made Me, His Holy Mother, your Mother.
My children. My Son died for YOU (!). He made the greatest sacrifice of all for you, yet you live as if none of this happened! Instead of being grateful and full of joy for this so great gift, you live far away from My Son and "play" with the devil and run after him, THE OPPOSITE OF MY SON, full of joy.
Children, this cannot be! Don't you realize what you are doing? Don't you see how cunning the devil is and WHAT DANGER YOU ARE EXPOSING YOURSELVES TO?
You will be lost -and that too in joy!!!- because you have turned away from My Son, from His love, FROM ETERNAL LIFE!!! and don't see it! You think it would go on eternally joyful for you, BUT THAT IS NOT IT!
The shadows of hell will catch up with you all, at the latest when you run into them full of joy, and then,My beloved children, you will experience the true bitterness, you will suffer, be shocked at the great lie the devil has sold you, and THERE WILL BE NO RETURN FOR YOU!
My children. Do not do this to yourselves, because this suffering that awaits you will be worse than any kind of torment that has existed so far in all your history on earth! You will not experience salvation, but you will be tormented and lost forever!
Children, turn back and run to My Son! A YES is enough to set the first step! Wait no longer, for the time is pressing!
I, your loving Mother in Heaven, will stand by you and plead for your protection at the throne of the Lord, so that you will not be lost, even if your soul is not yet completely purified!
Many souls atone for you who have not yet found your way to My Son, and make possible for you the way to repentance and into the kingdom of the Lord. They atone for your guilt and thereby make possible a partial redemption of your sin debt. But you must convert,My children, even if there is little time left for your purification.
Through the loving adherence of Our faithful children, their prayers, sacrifices and atonement, conversion is still possible for you! So use the time that remains to you and give your YES to Jesus!
I pray for you and help you if you ask me, My children, because no child/soul shall be lost, no matter what guilt it has incurred.
My Son forgives you, if you come to HIM repentant, and those of you, who seek HIM, will find HIM, because HE is a Merciful God, Son of the Almighty, and His love for you all will prevail, but the decision is yours!
A YES is enough for you to be saved, but it must be sincere. So be it.
I love you.
Your mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥