Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, March 7, 2015
God reveals Himself in prayer, but never in your earthly hustle and bustle!
- Message No. 870 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell the children the following today:
You must let your light shine and connect it to Jesus, because whoever is not connected to HIM, lets his light "go out", will be lost, because he has not connected himself to Jesus, has not established himself in HIM and will not be able to withstand the lies and deceit to which he will soon be exposed. He will be lost, and his soul will suffer eternally.
Therefore, strengthen yourselves in Jesus, My children, and pray to HIM, for only through daily prayer will you come close to Him, only through daily prayer will your light shine!
My children. In prayer lies the power and the secret to be able to accept everything in love and to connect completely with Jesus, to become one with HIM, to merge with HIM! So use your prayer, which is so powerful and experience this closeness, which is "unique" and can only be experienced and attained in prayer, in the daily communication and devotion with and to Jesus!
Your prayer is strong and powerful and so full of divine power! Use it for your salvation and for the salvation of the Lord's children!
When you pray, My children, you are very close to God, and the more you pray, the more intense your prayer becomes, the closer you will come to HIM!
God reveals Himself in prayer, but never in your earthly turmoil!
So use the daily prayer to be/become completely familiar with Jesus, and experience this so wonderful mystery: The oneness with My Son, the fusion, the "enlightenment" -it is wonderful, a gift from Heaven, which will be given to you through the daily prayer to Jesus.
Arise, My children, and "seek" this closeness, this togetherness, this intimacy that will make you "merge" with Jesus, will make you be One, so that you will recognize Jesus, when now his adversary, in the form of the Antichrist, will cause the greatest confusion ever seen -the confusion of so many children, even very faithful ones.
Strengthen yourselves in My Son and do not fall for this great lie!
Let your light shine and connect it with Jesus!
Stay in prayer and never let it break off!
Your prayer is strong, your prayer is powerful, and it will prevail over evil, for a soul that prays will not perish, but you must strengthen yourselves in Jesus so as not to follow the Antichrist!
Pray, My children, in prayer you will find strength, perseverance and clarity. Amen. With love,
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥