Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Proclaim Our Word! Give testimony!
- Message No. 876 -

My child. Write now. Please tell the children how important their prayers and pilgrimages to Us are. Tell them that We hear their prayers and:
Give testimony of Our graces that you are experiencing.
Tell people that We exist and tell them about Us, Our sites, churches, places!
Pass on the Gospel and live the teachings of My Son.
His return is imminent, and it is of utmost importance that people convert to HIM.
Tell the children that We love them and that We intercede at the throne of the Lord for everyone who asks Us.
Tell them how important it is to "communicate" with Us, for We are there for them, helping where help is needed, soothing where relief is needed, guiding where guidance is needed, and praying where prayer is needed.
Go out into the world and proclaim Our Word! The time of preparation is soon passing, and Our children have little time left.
Only your conversion will save you, beloved children, only My Son is the way and the salvation of yours. So find to HIM, confess and convert! Prepare yourselves and purify yourselves, for little time remains for you before the wrath of the Father comes to earth.
Who is not ready for the end, will perish! The devil will take hold of his soul, and there will be no turning back! The wrath of the Father will strike him, and he will perish in fiery embers. The devil rejoices, for he "eats" souls, spits them out and tramples on them. He inflicts endless suffering on them, which gives him some satisfaction and "benevolence," but he never gets enough, and so the soul is subjected to more and more torture and torment.
My children. My children so loved by Me. Find Jesus in time to escape all this torture and torment! Purify yourselves and stay away from sin! A soul that is with Jesus will not be lost! No power will the devil have over it, and from the wrath of God it will be spared, for Jesus' faithful children will be protected and lifted up, but YOU MUST BE OBEDIENT AND FAITHFUL, or you will be lost!
My children. Jesus loves you. HE IS pure love, just as the Father, WHO created you out of this love, sent you His Son and forgives you again and again through Jesus.
So now come to Jesus and give HIM your YES, so that you find with HIM and through HIM to the Father and no suffering happens to your soul!
Do not give the devil power over you by defiling yourselves with sin, but live in purity and away from sin!
Live with Jesus and give yourselves completely to HIM, then you cannot be lost and will reap the fruits of the newly created paradise.
Come, My children, come, for it is not too late. Become worthy children of the Lord and live in such a way that you please God, your Creator. I love you and I bless you, your Mother in Heaven with the saints present here.
Come, My children, it is not too late. Amen.
Source: ➥