Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Your soul is in the greatest danger!
- Message No. 877 -

Sin weighs heavily on your earth. Soon it will pass away and with it all impurity. No sinful child will be able to hide, for the Father's wrath will break loose and track down all those who do not acknowledge His Son. Your only chance is your conversion, beloved children, your conversion to the Lord. Those who do not follow Jesus will be lost and scorched in embers of fire and perish. Do not give the devil this satisfaction and power over your soul! Save yourselves now, before it is too late, because the prophesied time is dawning and you are doing NOTHING for your salvation! Renounce the world and all earthly temptations, because only so you have a chance! The devil is lying in wait for you, for your soul, to steal and torture it, and not one of his lies will turn out to be true! He lies, he deceives, he uses you! He plays with you, and you let it happen, but your awakening will be evil! His kingdom is hell, and in hell you will "live". It is an existence of torment, torture and pain, and your suffering will be eternal! So convert and wait no longer, for you have little time left! Mercy is now soon giving way to justice, and woe to him who has not prepared himself. Jesus is your way, there is no other. So repent and confess Him, so that you will not be lost. I, your loving Bonaventure, urge you to do so, because time is short and your soul is in the greatest danger, and the suffering it will experience will be infinite and cruel. Convert and give your YES to Jesus! One YES is enough to take the first step. Amen. With love, your Bonaventure
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