Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, April 19, 2015
The "test bench" has just begun!
- Message No. 913 -

My child. Please tell Our children the following today: Be with Us and in trust, for no matter what may happen, whether you see it or not, your world is in upheaval, and soon many evils will break loose.
Believe and trust and consolidate yourselves in Jesus, because only Jesus is your "ticket" to eternity. Only through HIM will you be lifted up and only the one who is faithful and devoted to HIM will enter His New Kingdom.
Strengthen yourselves in faith, because the "test" has only begun. Believe and trust, for without faith you will be lost, without trust you will perish and fall at the feet of the devil.
So now strengthen yourselves in Jesus, so that you will not be lost in the jumble of lies of your world today. Amen.
I love you, My children. Strengthen yourselves in Jesus. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥