Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, April 20, 2015
My Father pours greatest graces into the hearts of those for whom you ask!
- Message No. 915 -

My child. My dear child. I, your crucified Jesus, am here with you. Please tell the children today that I love them very much and that My Father pours greatest graces into the hearts of those for whom you ask and who are still apostate, lost and/or lukewarm.
Children, if you knew what power prayer has! Day and night and without ceasing you would pray at My feet, for the Father looks upon you, and His clemency, His goodness, His graces are "unleashed" by your devoted prayer to Me, in My honor and in My intentions!
Children, pray, for your prayer is strong! Your prayer heals, it makes souls repent, and it keeps evil away! Your prayer is the wall of protection against all the evil machinations of the devil, and your prayer tempers the Father, whose wrath, which is holy, is great and threatens to break loose, if it were not for all your prayer, which you perform in love, giving it to Me, your Jesus, and if it were not for the acceptance of atonement and the sacrifices that you take upon yourselves and offer to Me.
Children, you have so much "power" when you pray, but I do not mean earthly power, but heavenly power, which is soft, gentle, full of love, full of joy and full of silent miracles.
My children. My children so loved by Me. Pray and do not let your prayer stop, because it does so much good and is so much needed in your present time of apostasy, immorality and self-realization, selfishness!
The devil has so many of you in his power, yet most do not realize it and the others who consciously follow him are woven through and manipulated by his lies. They do not see the truth. They do not see how the devil is using them.
Pray for them too, for they are convinced of all that the devil says, for they see the money, earthly wealth and power that he gives them while they are alive on earth and are convinced that it will continue for eternity. They do not see the deceit, and their hearts are deadened, and so they can live and practice all the outrages, the unscrupulousness, brutality, human undignity, etc., because they are black, their soul like coals, and they do not know My love.
Pray for them, for whoever has not (yet) given away his soul (sold it to the devil), I can soften him and draw him to Me, but I need your prayer for this, in order to be able to work in them.
My children, pray, for your prayer does good, and it makes the Father lenient. The catastrophes will break loose, but I, your Jesus, can still draw countless souls to Me beforehand, so that they will not perish, not be lost, when the end will soon fall upon you.
Be ready, My children, for you do not know the time.
I love you, your Jesus, who died for you on the cross out of love and who forgives your sins, no matter how grave, if you ask Me, repent and confess. Amen. I love you. Go now. Amen.
Source: ➥