Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Be ready at all times!
- Message No. 917 -

My child. My dear child. Tell Our children today, please, that My Son will redeem all who honor HIM during their lifetime, and the Father will give special gifts of grace to those who defend HIM, by word, by deed, by faithfulness, with their lives.
My children. To be a Jesus-faithful soul means to let oneself fall completely into Jesus, to hope and trust in HIM, COME WHAT MAY(!) and never to despair, doubt or accept changes regarding HIS teachings, HIS Word, HIS life, HIS Church!
Children, rise up for your Savior, for soon HE will stand before you, and you must be ready for HIM, be faithful to HIM, be devoted to HIM.
My children, do not grieve. No one, except the Father Himself, knows the date for the promised time, so do not speculate, do not put it off, but live, as worthy children of the Lord, for so you will be ready to receive the Lord. Amen.
I love you. Be ready at all times. Amen.
Your mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥