Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, April 27, 2015
The true faith is destroyed in such a way!
- Message No. 923 -

My child. My dear child. Write, My daughter, and please say the following to the children of the earth today: You must follow Me, your Jesus who loves you so much, live and pass on My teachings, and you must honor and defend Me in today's world of apostasy, of denying Me, because so many of My so-called "followers" pose as such, but in reality they water down the truth about Me, about My redemptive work, denying Me, because they follow the beast and not Me, their Jesus who loves them so much, who I am deeply hurt, desecrated and trampled underfoot from the ranks of those who pretend to love Me.
My children, My children so loved by Me. Look closely and listen carefully, because MY WORD IS CHANGED, MY WORK FINDED IMPOSSIBLE, because you are no longer told the whole truth and by taking out bits and pieces a new religion is created by those who pretend to be faithful to Me.
Children, be vigilant, for the evil one has crept into My Holy Church, and more and more he is spreading and contaminating the "minds" of My faithful.
Children, be careful, because where the whole truth is no longer announced and "one" pulls out what one wants, there My word is not proclaimed, there My teachings are passed on falsified(!), and many of My children are led astray!
Children, be warned, because the evil creeps more and more through My church, and woe to him who does not recognize the evil and "blue-eyed" follows those who spread untruths.
Be warned, because they use parts of My teachings and My life and My work of redemption and thus craft their New World Religion, in which all people and faiths are united, and this, My beloved children, will become fatal to you, because the true faith is thus destroyed, and soon you will all worship only the beast!
Be warned, for "your world is upside down"! By the so great apostasy it is easy for them to lead you WHERE THEY WANT, and that is not to Me, to your Jesus, because more and more I will be put down by those who call themselves My followers, until My Deity is denied and you have no more chance of salvation, because whoever does not follow Me, his Holy Jesus, is not faithful and not devoted, to him the gates into the Kingdom of Heaven will not be opened.
He will be lost to the beast, because he does not believe in Me, in My teachings, in My existence, but ONLY THROUGH ME will you find your way to the Father, so be warned and be careful, because the truth is already being "twisted". Amen.
I love you. Remain faithful to Me, My children. Soon it will be accomplished.
Your loving Jesus.
Son of the Almighty and Savior of the world. Amen.
"My Son speaks the true word. So be warned, for your faith is on trial. Amen.
Your Father in heaven.
God, the Most High. Amen."
Source: ➥