Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
...even those you think you are ready for!
- Message No. 925 -

My child. My dear child. Please say the following to the children of the earth today: When the end is here, it will be too late for your conversion! Therefore, My beloved children, prepare yourselves, even those you think you are ready, for it is important that you be pure, that you have confessed and repented of your offenses, that you have made atonement and offered sacrifices!
My children. My children so beloved by Me. There is no one in your world today who is free from sin. So do not deceive yourselves and take advantage of the opportunities that God the Father gave you through His Holy Son, Jesus Christ, and purify yourselves! Prepare yourselves for the great day of joy when Jesus comes to save you!
Rejoice and purify yourselves, for the end of your known world is as it were the beginning of a new era, and it will be more beautiful and wonderful and glorious than you can imagine!
My children. Rejoice in Jesus! Look forward to the entrance into His New Kingdom!
Prepare yourselves with joy in your heart and put on your soul a pure, white-radiant, shining garment. Then you will be worthy to come before the Lord, and every moment with Him will be in greatest joy, accompanied by deepest gratitude, as well as other beautiful gifts that are (like) balm for your soul. Amen.
Rejoice, beloved children, and prepare yourselves for My Son, your Jesus. Amen.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥