Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

You must not take the new form!

- Message No. 942 -


My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children today that it will be through the prayers of all of you that the hearts of so many children can still be reached and saved, for your prayer is powerful, and the more you pray, the more you pray, the stronger and more powerful it is, and it works the silent, barely perceptible miracles of this time, as well as the great visible ones in your lives!

Children be warned, for the evil one has crept into your church and will now purposefully try to drive out My Son, your Jesus! The words of your books will be changed -in many places this has already happened(!)- and your Masses will be meaningless, because they no longer adore Jesus and deny HIM the Real Presence that takes place through the transformation in the Holy Eucharist!

Children be warned and teach your priests, for they must not accept the new form, the new books! If Jesus is no longer "among you", then you are truly lost, therefore, do not accept the new missals and do not allow a new-"mannered" celebration of the Mass, for it "expels" My Son from your churches. Amen.

Pray, My children, and persevere. No soul faithful to Jesus will be lost. This We promise. Amen.

Be strong and pray. Amen.

Your Mother in Heaven.

Mother of all God's children and Mother of Salvation with the saints of the Communion of Saints and the Holy Angels of the Father. Amen.

Source: ➥