Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Your imagination will soon burst like a soap bubble!
- Message No. 947 -

My child. Please tell Our children the following today: My children. My children so loved by Me. The desecrations worldwide continue, and saddened We look at the cold hearts that cause Us so much suffering. The devil uses them to bring coldness into your world, aberration, apostasy and self-love, because all these are the ways that lead directly to him and that do not allow a life with Jesus.
My children. My children so loved by Me. Stop, because you are servants of the evil one, and many of you do not see it! Those of you who are in bondage to the devil, let it be said to you: day and night We pray for you, so that you may still recognize the truth, because the devil uses you, lies to you and deceives you, but you see only what he shows you, but not what he conceals from you!
Wake up and find the light, because only through Jesus you will live eternally, as your soul longs for, but on your way, the one you have taken, eternal suffering awaits your soul, but you are so deceived by the devil that you believe his lies and not your Jesus!
Children, be warned, for soon your "eyes will be opened" too, but then, lost children, it will be too late! Once the end is here, you will have no chance to convert, so use now the time that remains before it is really too late for you.
The devil lies, cheats, seduces, bribes -the list is endless-, but be sure: he will never keep his word and your idea of wealth, party, sex and power for all eternity will soon burst like a soap bubble!
Don't be stupid and don't fall for his lies, because the devil "loves" only himself, and his pleasure is the torment and suffering of others, and his satisfaction lies right there, but he is never satisfied, and therefore all the suffering in the world is no comparison to what awaits you in his hell!
Children stop, for he who defiles Us has no claim to the Kingdom of Heaven, he who blasphemes will perish without hope of salvation!
Children keep and honor My Son! Pay attention and respect to HIM, because HE is Son of the Almighty and Redeemer of yours.
HE is mercifuland His graces are great, but without your YES to HIM HE will not be able to save you.
So give your YES to Jesus and break out of the "prison" of evil, for you have long been slaves to HIS, but you do not realize it!
Desecrate no further, for this will be your downfall, and stop!
We, all heaven, pray for you, that you may find Jesus and know the truth! No child of God shall be lost, therefore We pray now for repentance and enlightenment of the children so lost, who -in human eyes- are considered lost.
Unite, My beloved remnant army, in prayer with Us, your Mother in Heaven, the saints of the Communion of Saints and the Holy Angels of the Lord, so that many more children may be saved and find the way to My Son, your Jesus. Amen.
My call is urgent, for time is pressing. Amen.
With love, your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥