Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
"Make yourselves ready, My children. Amen."
- Message No. 954 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell the children of the earth today that We love them.
If only they would see how great, how merciful is the love of My Son, they would run to HIM and never leave HIM again, for My Son is the love that every soul/person longs for so much, but children, are you blinded, "dulled" and insensitive and so lost that you think you can go your way ALONE, but that, My beloved flock of children, will have a bad end for you!
The devil lies to you and deceives you wherever he can. He seduces you, beguiles you and pretends to you, but, beloved children, be warned, because everything, he shows you, stalls you, INFLUENCES you(!) serves for your downfall and not for your well-being!
He removes you from Jesus! He removes you from the truth, because Jesus is the truth! He makes you dizzy, confuses you, and faster than you think you have gone astray, running after your self-realization and/or worshipping false gods!
Children, be warned, for your doom is near, and if you do not convert, do not face the lies of the devil and recognize them as such, then, My beloved children, you are truly lost!
Jesus is the truth, the love and the way! Therefore, find to HIM, so that you will not be lost and desist from your devilish convictions, which come from the devil's deceitfulness,for nothing good will they bring you, but your soul will be lost in them and through them.
So give your YES now to Jesus! Run to HIM and consolidate yourselves in HIM! His love is merciful and merciful He will be with every child/soul that gives its YES to Him!
Wait no longer, for soon mercy will give way to justice, and then, beloved children, it will be too late for you.
Find Jesus and consolidate yourselves in HIM. A YES is enough to take the first step. Amen.
I love you. We all -heaven united- pray for you. Turn back, My children, because only a soul faithful to Jesus will be given the New Kingdom. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption. Amen.
Source: ➥