Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, July 4, 2015
"Prepare yourselves, beloved children, for when My Son comes, you must be ready for HIM! Amen."
- Message No. 987 -

My child. Today, please tell the children of the earth the following: Convert and confess, for much time does not remain, and sooner than you think the end will be at your door.
So confess Jesus and become one with Him! Share your life with Him and place yourselves completely in His care, then you will not be lost and the promises will come true for you.
Believe and trust completely in My Son. To each one who is faithful to HIM, HE will extend His hand, protect him and lift him up, so that his soul will not be lost and glory will be granted to his soul for eternity.
Believe, children, soon it will be accomplished. The warning will precede and after that it will come blow by blow. Be ready, for Jesus may stand before you at any moment.
So prepare yourselves, beloved children, purify yourselves and repent of your sins. Then you will be very close to Jesus, and His warning will cause joy in you.
Fall on your knees when the time comes and beg for forgiveness, because so pure, so full of love and mercy My Son comes to you that you should "come before HIM" worthily and reverently, in order to be able to endure His presence.
My children. The warning will be a very special event for each one of you, and good to him who has prepared himself, for his joy will be immense. Amen.
Prepare yourselves, beloved children, because when My Son comes, you must be ready for HIM. Amen.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥