Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, July 19, 2015
"Make yourselves ready for My Son. Amen."
- Message No. 1003 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell the children of the world today that this world of yours, as it exists now, will soon pass away.
Evil will come to an end, but you must prepare yourselves, My children, for what will come then, for only those who are pure and worthy will be lifted up by My Son.
But all others will perish, therefore convert and confess, for My Son is the only way into glory, your "key" into the Newly Created Jerusalem.
Whoever does not follow HIM will not be worthy of the promises. The gates will be closed to him, and eternal torment will be his inheritance.
So prepare yourselves, beloved children, your reward will be great when this world passes away.
Expect My Son in purity and dignity and free yourselves from sin and shame, for as you live today, in the spirit of modernity, you are unworthy and polluted with sin.
So use the Holy Sacrament of Confession and wash yourselves clean through Holy Confession, through contrition and penance.
Use this Holy Sacrament given to you for the forgiveness of sin and wash yourselves clean, so that you may come before My Son and God the Father as worthy children and not be lost to the Adversary, who does everything to pollute you, your soul, to defile you with sin and thus you are lost to him to suffer in eternal torment in his hell.
Get ready, My beloved children, because only Jesus is your way, and only through HIM you will be lifted up. Amen.
I love you, beloved children. Make yourselves ready for Jesus, My Son who loves you so much. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Go now.
Source: ➥