Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, August 21, 2015
"The end is much nearer than you are willing to believe. Amen."
- Message No. 1038 -

My child. My dear child. Please write and listen to what I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, want to say to the children of the earth today: You must prepare yourselves, beloved children, because the devil is planning his final moves, and the end is coming upon you sooner than you think!
Prepare for the return of Jesus and do not fall for His adversary!
The one who is presented to you as "Holy" IS NOT! He who lives among you and performs "miracles" IS NOT SENT FROM HEAVEN!
Prepared, educated and trained in hell, he will lead you all behind the light, if you are not vigilant and do not consolidate in My Son! He will not only bring "hell" to you on earth, but he will lead you right into it, and that, My beloved children, will be your downfall!
What you suffer on earth is nothing compared to what awaits you in Satan's hell!
And if you think that hell is already on earth, then, beloved children, you are mistaken! Nothing, but nothing on your earth is comparable to the hell of the beast! So do not expose yourselves to this danger and find Jesus in time!
The euphoria, which you will live through by the "arrival" of the Antichrist, is pushed by the circle of the bad ones, who control your media, as well as all important power and influence areas of your earth. So do not believe the media, nor fall into euphoria!
First, if you are not vigilant, you will voluntarily run after that and the wrong ones and thus put yourselves in danger of the fall into hell, and then, if the euphoria has not "overpowered" all children, peu à peu the true face of those, whom you have cheered so, will show itself.
You will be driven into hell, whether you like it or not, therefore prepare yourselves NOW so as not to be lost and find yourselves completely with My Son!
Consolidate yourselves in My Son and do not fall into the stream of the masses!
Believe and trust and hope always in Jesus! HE will come, at the end of time and RAISE ALL WHO ARE TRUE TO HIM AND FOLLOW HIM. Amen. So be it.
With motherly love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Make this known, My child. The end is much closer than you are willing to believe. Amen.
Source: ➥