Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, August 27, 2015
"Accept the sacrifices of atonement and give them to My Son. Amen."
- Message No. 1045 -

My child. Please tell the children of the earth and especially Our remnant army children the following today: Much atonement is still needed in these last days. So do not fret, beloved children, IF YOUR WILL DOES NOT GO, but in joy give My Son all obstacles, terrors and sufferings, for BY YOUR MERCY HE SAVES MILLIONS OF SOULS, and your world will be endowed with the greatest love, so that when My Son comes, many will turn to HIM, turn their backs on evil and paganism, and place themselves entirely in the care of My Son.
This happens in the warning that will separate the wheat from the chaff and make the good ones -you, beloved children of the remnant army and you who are yet to repent- even more "good" and the evil ones even more evil.
But, beloved children, the warning will be the "unison" of the end, and shortly thereafter My Son will come again to redeem you, beloved children of the Remnant Army and of the then converts who will also form part of the Remnant Army. HE will raise you up and give His New Kingdom, and that moment is very near.
So accept all the atonement offerings and give them to the LORD, for thus His remnant army increases through the conversion of many beloved children, and great will be the number of those who will yet be saved through your atonement offerings. Amen.
I love you. Accept the atonement offerings and give them to My Son. Amen.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥