Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, September 4, 2015
The truth is hidden in My Son!
- Message No. 1060 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children the following today: Your salvation is at stake, beloved children, and YOU DO NOT SEE IT! The traps of the devil are many, the temptations in your oh-so-modern world are great, yet you live as if everything is ok, and adapt "the faith" to your "needs" and no longer see the truth, fragment the true faith and change until there is nothing left, and that, beloved children, will cost you your eternity in salvation and peace.
Children, wake up, because the truth is hidden in My Son! Find completely to HIM and recognize the dangers of your present world! Soon it will be too late for your awakening, and woe to him who has not found in time to My Son: He will be lost in the depths of hell, and eternal salvation will not be granted to him. He will suffer for eternity, and the realization of his errors will "tear" him -his soul-, and since his soul is immortal, he will feel the torment for all eternity without hope, without consolation, and sorrowfully his soul will languish WITHOUT EVER DYING.
So prepare yourselves, beloved children, and do not gamble away your eternity. Accept the love of My Son and allow HIM to live in and through you. His love is infinite, it never stops. So find HIM and become true children of the Lord!
Purify yourselves, beloved children, confess, atone, repent. Your soul is about to be "elevated", but in order to be elevated, it needs purification and true love. This love is My Son.
So give HIM your YES so that you will not be lost and pray, My children, for guidance and preservation from going astray, for the guile of the devil is great, and well to him who is completely established in Jesus and prays daily for guidance and direction to the Holy Spirit. Amen. With deep love, your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
I love you. My love for you is infinite. Find My Son and let yourselves be blessed with His riches that spring from His love for you. Amen.
Source: ➥