Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, September 14, 2015
It is the time of My second crucifixion!
- Message No. 1070 -

My child. My beloved daughter. Come and sit with Me, your Jesus who loves you so much.
It is the time of My second crucifixion. I look so sadly upon your world and so painful it is to see, to feel how much hatred is in it and how lost My beloved children are.
It is the time of My second crucifixion, for My Church is being destroyed from within, and the apostasy from Me, your Jesus who loves you so much, has never been so great as it is today.
It is the time of great changes, but these do not lead you to Me, My beloved children.
Be vigilant and be ready at all times, for as I am crucified for the second time now, I will rise and come again, and this time, beloved children, I will take you with Me, and My New Church I will build upon you, and Peter, My beloved Peter will lead it, and all this will now happen soon, for My crucifixion (second) will soon be accomplished, and then I will come to you, beloved faithful children of the remnant army, and justice will come with Me.
My Father will separate good from evil, and good to him who has remained faithful to Me, for the New Kingdom will become his home, but woe to him who has been unfaithful, lying and hypocritical, he will be lost and thrown at the feet of the devil. His demons are already lying in wait for him, but you do not see it, beloved children.
But before that time comes, glorious for My faithful children, I will grant you one last chance to repent. If you do not take advantage of it, you will be lost, but if you take advantage of it and beg for forgiveness, repent and become humble, then My mercy will be upon you, and you too shall be saved.
So use this last chance and confess to Me in love and with a sincere heart. Give Me your YES and prepare yourselves, for if you do not, the devil will use all his power over you and torment you for eternity.
So come to Me, beloved children, and do not be lost. I, your Holy Jesus, have already "ransomed" you through My first crucifixion. After the Second, I will raise those of you who are truly faithful and devoted to Me.
I love you. Time is short. So prepare yourselves and do not get lost. I, your loving Jesus, await each one of you in perfect love and with open arms.
My love forgives everything, so take advantage of the hour of mercy that is still beating, for it too will pass away when I come again. Amen.
Be ready for Me. Amen.
In deep sincere and humble love, your Jesus.
Son of the Almighty Father and Savior of the world. Amen.
--- Our Lady: My Son was born for you. HE suffered for you, HE died for you, and HE is coming again for you. Amen. Confess to HIM, otherwise you will be lost. Amen. Go now.
Jesus: I AM, and I WILL ALWAYS BE. Find your way to Me, My children, so that you will not be lost to My adversary. Amen.
Jesus on the cross: Today, as then, you crucify Me, and again it is the "scholars" who cause Me so much suffering and shame. They lead you on wrong paths, and they are not sent by Me, not by My Father. Please make this known. My church is suffering greatest desecrations. Amen.
Source: ➥