Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Do not be lost in your world today!
- Message No. 1094 -

My child. Write and listen to what the saints of the Communion of Saints have to share with the children of the world today: Be completely with Jesus, beloved children, and pray to Us. Our help will be sure for you, but you must ask Us. We will lead you to Jesus, show you the way and intercede for you. So pray to Us and be very close to Jesus. A child who consecrates himself to Jesus will not be lost. A child who puts himself under Our protection, We will lead to Jesus.
Pray to Us, beloved children, and be always close to Jesus! Consecrate yourselves to HIM, beloved children, and do not get lost in your world today.
So many traps have all the evil henchmen of the devil set for you. With all tricks and means they try to distract you, to lead you astray and finally to perdition, because the devil has made promises to them for every soul they bring to him, but their reward will not be the one they expect.
Pray to Us, beloved children, and place yourselves in Our protection. Then no evil will befall you, for We pray for you, lead you to the Lord Christ, and protect you in all your ways.
So pray, beloved children, to Us and in the Lord's intentions. Ask for shortening of time, for much cruelty is planned and Christians will suffer.
Pray therefore, beloved children, and never despair. We, the saints of the communion of saints, are always there for you. Turn to Us, and Our protection and intercession at the throne of the Lord will be sure for you.
Pray now, My children, and consecrate yourselves to the Lord, for only HE is your Redeemer, your Savior in all distress. With HIM you will enter into glory, so give yourselves completely to HIM and be true children of the Lord at all times. Amen.
Never despair, beloved children, for We are always there! Ask Us, and so it will be. Amen.
In deep and devoted love, your saints of the Communion of Saints. Amen.
Source: ➥