Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Persecutions will increase, but Jesus will be with you!
- Message No. 1096 -

My child. My dear child. Write, My daughter, and listen to what We, Heaven, have to say to you for the children of the world today: Listen to Our Word in these messages, for it will save you from ruin and condemnation!
Keep the laws of the Father in Heaven, for it is the guide to a truly pure life!
Keep and live the virtues and teachings of My Son, for HE will come in glory and take every soul faithful to HIM into His Kingdom!
Be true children of the Lord and live your faith. Persecutions will increase, but never despair. Jesus will be with you and no soul will be lost who has consecrated himself to HIM.
So run to My Son, to Jesus your Lord! Consecrate yourselves to Him with each new day that begins. In this way, the devil will have no power over you -your soul- and you will be saved from decay and damnation.
Believe and trust in My Son, for HE will come at the end of time and lift you up into His glory. Hold on, beloved children, the worst is yet to come.
So pray, My children, for peace in the hearts of all Our children and that the Father may send forth His Holy Spirit over the whole earth. Whoever is touched by the Holy Spirit will doubt the "truth" of Satan, i.e. he will doubt what comes from him, and the more you pray for the erring and enemies, the more the Holy Spirit of the Father will work, and a conversion can be accomplished. But you must pray, beloved children, so that this can happen.
You have not kept to many of Our instructions, but the Father loves you so much that HE gives you opportunities again and again to keep away the worst after all. So now use prayer and pray for peace in the hearts of all God's children, for peace in your world, in your families, in your hearts and minds. Pray for the conversion of all children, especially those who live so far from My Son.
God is Almighty, and in His Omnipotence He can accomplish everything. But He respects your free will. Therefore, pray for those who do not know how to pray for themselves: - May the Holy Spirit of the Father reach all hearts, soften them and make them repent. May the Holy Spirit lead ALL children to Jesus Himself and especially those who seem to be lost. May the Lord's omnipotence be with us, and shorten the end of time, so that we remain steadfast and faithful to His Son, and face what is to come as true Christians.
Prayer helps! Prayer works miracles! Prayer is the protective barrier that will mitigate and keep out so much evil. Use it. Amen.
In deepest love, your Mother in Heaven with Jesus, God the Father, the Holy Angels of the Father and the Saints of the Communion of Saints. Amen.
Make this known, My child. It is very important. Amen.
"Our children must pray and ask Us for help. Amen."
Source: ➥